It’s the first Saturday of the month which means its time for the Ultimate Coffee Date! I’m linking up again with Coco, Lynda and Deborah so grab a cup of your fave beverage and join us!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while I still feel like a lot my race schedule is still in flux, I did do a little race shopping this week and locked in my registration for both the Newport 10 miler and Boston’s Run to Remember 5 miler. My husband J has decided to run RtR with me.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m secretly grateful to see my son’s hockey season coming to an end. The crack o’dawn games are starting to wear thin, and juggling between both hockey and indoor lacrosse practices is definitely stressing out our weekend schedule!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m itching to do some spring cleaning! Also it’s been a while since I’ve gone on a de-cluttering tear through my house. After such a long winter, it feels like the perfect way to welcome in spring. Now if I can just figure out how to get my family on board 😉
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my newest TV addiction is Fixer Upper on HGTV. Maybe it’s because I live in a 120+ year old house, but I love remodel shows. On Tuesday nights, I’m glued to the TV for this one hoping to steal and idea or two.
Sorry I have to cut our coffee time short today, but it’s time for me to start the lacrosse to hockey shuffle.
If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? Do you like design/remodel shows?
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ooh do you want to come clean out my closets? LOL. So cool your hubby is going to run with you. We are in full lax mode too! Have a great season. Thanks for linking up with us today. Always love to coffee chat with you!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date-March Edition
LOL! It’s going to take me forever to get through mine, but it so needs to be done!
I feel a massive toy purge coming on around here. It’s just gotta be done…..while the kids are at school, of course!
Marcia recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: Spring Break Edition
Ah yes I need to do the toy purge too – our playroom looks like a war zone – Legos and Nerf darts everywhere!
I could watch HGTV all day! I grew up in an old house and love the character, but am glad to have more modern amenities – like even floors!
Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…The March 2015 Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up
Too funny – yep my dining room floor does have a bit of a tilt to it!
I remember those days but for me it was brand practice and back forth to the games and competition! I love HGTV! I need to check this show out- who doesn’t need a tip or two! Enjoy the spring cleaning! Happy Saturday Michelle!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Good morning Weekend! Time for coffee!
The show’s hosts are this really cute couple and I just love her style. I need them to come to my house. LOL!
I so need to start spring cleaning!! I have so many toys and clothes to donate + I finally want my garage to look like a TV commercial. Is that even possible?! 🙂 Have a great Sunday and hope you can start relaxing a bit on the weekends 🙂
Natalie recently posted…1 Sentence Saturday!
I like your goal for your garage! 🙂 And I’m with you on the toy purge – so much to do!
I need to spend more time watching HGTV…at some point I’ll have to great ready for home ownership!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – March 2015
I love HGTV – I could spend a whole afternoon watching if my kids would let me!
So…about that spring cleaning…wanna declutter my apartment!?!? ;P
Just kidding. I really need to do that though–I’ve been making slow-but-steady progress on using everything up so I’ll have less to pack up for when I move though!
That’s a good approach – nothing worse the moving things you really don’t need.
I love the design shows on HGTV!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Thinking out Loud: Paris, frumpy mom style and other randomness
It’s a serious addiction for me 🙂