I always enjoy sneaking a peak into how others manage their day…maybe because it helps me to feel less crazy 😉 So when Katie suggested doing a Day in the Life link-up I couldn’t resist playing along.
I must admit that since the holidays, I have been s-l-o-w to settle into a consistent morning routine. I have been easing my way back to my early morning workouts so my day alarm goes off around 5:30AM. I stumbled around in dark tiptoe around my house getting ready and head to the gym.
With the workout done, I hurry home to make sure I get back in time so my husband and my oldest son can head out the door to school/work. A quick check of the day’s schedule, including making sure my son has everything he needs for the day (all books, saxophone and basketball uniform…check, check and check) and they’re off. Now it’s time to get my youngest ready for school – I pack lunch, snack and double-check his backpack. He has breakfast and I my first cup of coffee while we chat about the day ahead – this morning we practice spelling words for his test.
After chatting at the bus stop with my neighbors, there’s time for some meditation, a shower, and a quick clean-up of the kitchen before settling in in front of my computer.
There’s a little time for checking email, blogs and Facebook before I start working. I’m so lucky to work from my home as it offers me great flexibility in managing my schedule. I can also swing getting laundry and other odds and ends done in between conference calls and replying to emails. Today’s a day of grant-writing and I am grateful for a quiet house so I can focus.
By early afternoon, I’m itching for a break and take my “office mate” our for some fresh air.  Soon it’s time for some combination of bus, carpool and a flurry of books, papers and catching up on all the details of the kids’ days…or what I’m able to drag out of them besides “It was good.” (Does anyone else have that problem?)
Some nights there’s hockey practice for my youngest or a late meeting for my husband, so of late family dinners have been hard to come by during the week – not something I’m thrilled with! My goal is to have dinner together at least 3 times a week, which we were able to do for the most part last fall. Before bed my youngest will come and cuddle on the couch and we’ll read together.
Depending on  the homework load, it may be close to 9:30 before my middle schooler is asleep and things quiet down. If I have the energy I may return to my computer for a little blogging and catch up on FB, etc., but of late, I’m toast and just happy to sack out on the couch and watch a little TV with my husband before calling it a night.
And that’s pretty much a typical day in my world.
How ’bout you – are your days pretty routine or always changing?
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We have similar days! Good for you for getting your workout done early! I do this when in summer when it gets too hot to run later but now I wait til kids are in school. Plus Caveman’s in Asia all month so no kiddo coverage.
Marcia recently posted…A Day in My Life
loved getting a peek into your day! thanks for sharing!
Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Strengthening Exercises for Runners
I am with you on how hard modern life is for getting in the family dinners regularly. It’s a shame and a reality. I also love working from home–throwing in a load of laundry or something of that ilk while working is fantastic. I don’t know that I could ever go back to an office, how about you?
And plus one to having a tough time returning to early morning wake ups!
misszippy recently posted…Do epsom salts work?
No I so agree with you – I really don’t think I could go back into an office!
Fun to look into your day! I forgot about this need to get it done this week. Hope you have a good one!
Deborah@confessions of a mother runner recently posted…What’s inside my Popsugar Must Have Target Fitness Box
Definitely join in – they’re fun posts!
I enjoy A Day In The Life posts. I thoroughly do! Do another one for the weekend or a holiday or something 🙂
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