Mindful Monday


Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I really enjoyed having 5 days off – it was a chance to unplug and re-connect, and I took full advantage of it.

It also gave me time to think a lot about how I want to spend this holiday season. It is too easy to get caught up in the “doing” that comes with holidays – the frenetic pace of shopping, decorating, cooking; of fitness challenges and events to attend all gets to be way too much. You can get so caught up in the doing that you forget to be….to just be in each moment.

I’m choosing to not spend this last month of the year ruled by my to do list; so frenzied by all that can be packed into these 31 days that I miss the opportunity to really enjoy it. My goal is to “live in the present wisely and earnestly” and hopefully both my mind and body will thank me.

How do you deal with all the hubbub of the holidays?




  1. ahhh we are moving.
    in december
    and the only gift is that I GIFT ME NOT HAVING TO DO THE HOLIDAYS!!!

    Carla recently posted…Venus and I are decluttering.My Profile

  2. The kids had suuuuch a hard time getting up for school today! I balance the nuttiness of the holidays with running without Garmin. For the sheer joy of it. So nice to soak in the peacefulness of the season.
    Marcia recently posted…A Tale of 3 Turkey TrotsMy Profile

  3. I like your attitude! Unfortunately I still have to do virtually all of my holiday shopping, with no idea where to begin! It’s so good to slow down and just enjoy life, instead of getting swept up and carried away!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Thanksgiving Weekend Recap: Yummy and Healthy!My Profile

  4. I love this approach, Michelle. I am with you on it. I refuse to be run ragged over the holidays!
    misszippy recently posted…The ultimate runner’s gift guide and giveawayMy Profile

  5. Plan ahead and have your todo’s there enough to not get overwhelmed at the last minute by “stuff”, but otherwise enjoy the blessings you have and be you, not superwoman :-). I try to tell my wife that and she just tells me to go sit down and get out of the way. Like the good husband that I am… I say “yes dear” and get out of the way and let her do her thing(s). 🙂
    Harold recently posted…Nice Way to End the Month – RunLog 11-30-14My Profile

  6. I try to stick to my routine – it’s so easy to get caught up in everything that needs to get done. I make it a point to break up all my tasks and to be aware of how much I’m taking on. And I always remind myself to focus on family, faith, friends, fun. That helps to keep my stress levels in check 🙂
    Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Guilt Free Glam: Cyber MondayMy Profile

  7. It is going to take a lot more planning this year managing the blog stuff too! I need to make a list asap
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Quattro Vegetali Bake-Meatless MondayMy Profile

  8. I am cutting back a bit this holiday season, but trying to keep the important stuff – friends, family, giving to others. 😉
    Coco recently posted…Are We Having Fun Yet?My Profile

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