It’s the first Saturday of the month so that means it’s time to join in on the Ultimate Coffee Date! This month I’m linking up with Coco at Running with Perseverance. This is always a great time to catch up, so grab a mug and pull up a chair!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I started a new job last month! It’s a long-term consulting gig with a nonprofit – first time for me working in the nonprofit arena. It’s part-time hours and I can work from my home office – huge win!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that with the new job I’ve needed to shift my running time to o’dark thirty and boy am I struggling to get my face out of the pillow! Except for summer months, when I head out uber-early to beat the heat, I usually don’t run until post-school bus/mid-morning. But now I need to be out and back before my kids (and the sun!) are up.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that since I’ve made my decision about Philly, running has become a lot less stressful for me – definitely a sign that it was the right decision.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that our family is doing “30 Days of Thankful” where each day everyone will share at least one thing they’re thankful for. I’ve been thinking a lot about gratitude lately, especially where my kids are concerned. As we head into the season of consumerism on overdrive (aka the holidays), I’m hoping to help them strike a balance.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I haven’t been able to comment on other blogs for almost a week. So frustrating! I’ve been working with Akismet so my posts are flagged as spam. They keep telling me that they’ve fixed it but it’s still not working. So please know that I’m not being rude – hopefully I’ll be back to commenting soon 🙂 .
If we were having coffee together what would you tell me?
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Good Morning! Fantastic coffee!!! I love your 30 days of Thankful challenge! If we were having coffee I would tell you I will be sneaking in a thankful thought this month in my daily journal! XO
Laurie recently posted…Happy Halloween — Goodbye October — Hello November
I think adding thankful thoughts to your journal is a great idea! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Oh, wow, congrats on the new job, and welcome to the o’dark-thirty club! Hopefully this week will be a bit easier with the time change. Oh, your comment showed up on my blog, so maybe you’re in the clear now!
Coco recently posted…November Virtual Coffee Date
Thanks! And I’ll take any suggestions on how to make being a member of this club easier 😉
Congrats on the new job! Sounds like a good one! I like the 30 days project 🙂 very nice! Have a great weekend!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Bucket list 2015- Where are you going?
Thanks Mary Beth – I’m very excited about the job!
I’m so glad that running has become less stressful for you. It’s supposed to be fun and when it’s not anymore it’s time to reevaluate. Congrats on the new job and so glad you linked up today. We will have a regular gig going for coffee stay tuned
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…November Ultimate Coffee Date
Exactly! Reevaluating was needed and I know I’ll be better for it in the long run – no pun intended 😉
Congrats on the new job, and I think that gratitude project is great! I feel like people get way too absorbed in materialistic things these days and don’t really stop to think about all the awesome and usually-simpler things in life that make life great.
Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – November
Thanks Farrah! And I so agree – it really is the little things that matter!
Congrats on the new job! I love working part-time from home. I do the same thing and it’s pretty awesome.
I had the same issue with commenting, but luckily askimet was able to fix it quickly.
MCM Mama recently posted…Post-Halloween Coffee
Thanks Erika! Being at home is a huge bonus 🙂