And the Aha Moments just keep coming….
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have had my ups and downs this training cycle.
While I have tried hard to accept whatever my body will give me on any given day, the truth is I’ve been struggling. Paces that were once manageable have felt like work…and when I have managed to have really good runs, I’m toast afterwards. I have talked about the fact that a shift in attitude and how I approach my runs has helped…running is a mental game after all! But, something was still missing….something has just felt off. My body was trying to tell me something. So I finally made the rare trip to my doctor’s office…and after some tests, turns out I’m anemic.
Ah – well that goes a long way to explaining my energy levels. I was starting to think it was all in my head … or perhaps my advanced running age catching up with me 😉 So for now the prescribed course of action is a daily multi-vitamin (I’ve been wildly inconsistent with my supplements) and changes to my diet to include more iron-rich foods. This will force me to get back to meal planning and weekend meal prep which has been lagging a little. I’m glad to have an answer for what’s going on…just wish I hadn’t dragged my feet on heading to my doc.
Are you quick to head to the doctor’s office?
What’s your favorite iron-rich snack?
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Awww…I know the anemic world all too well! Try to take your iron with some vitamin C for better uptake. I always know when I’m really low–you can definitely feel it! Hope you are back to normal levels asap.
misszippy recently posted…Racing, I’ve missed you!
Thanks for the vitamin C tip Amanda – had no idea!
So glad you figured this out! I bet you’ll feel so much better as soon as you get those levels up.
Marcia recently posted…WIN Detergent Review & Giveaway
Oh man, no wonder you were so fatigued. Hopefully now that you know this will help! I had a blood clot almost 2 years ago and ended up anemic and I barely had the energy to get out of bed let alone try to run. And I’ll admit that I am terrible about getting myself to the doctor!
Well it’s a good thing you went. Now you know at least. I don’t think I get enough iron either because I rarely eat red meat. Although I do eat a lot of spinach. I don’t feel like my energy is low so that’s good.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…I’m being Gyped out of my First Marathon Bib!
Aww this is a toughie. I’ve been to the dr so many times during this training cycle that i’m pretty sure I can probably treat myself now..haha
Glad you figured it out!! I’m fairly good at knowing when something is *really* wrong with my body. If that’s the case, then yes, I am quicker to get to a doctor.
Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Active Heroes
Great you determined the cause of your low energy level. Fixing it will pay off in areas, not just your running.
oh wow just goes to prove that should listen to your body! Bring on more spinach and kale for you. 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Learn How Elite Athlete, Tina Muir, Fuels for a Marathon
Glad you got an answer to your symptoms! I know my trouble is that I’ve put on 15 pounds in the last year, so of course the same paces and distances from last year are much harder! Guess it’s time to get serious about my nutrition goals!
Glad you have an answer! I used to have issues with iron, but we started buying a portion of a grass fed steer each year a few years ago. The added red meat in my diet has really helped keep my iron levels up. That and my addiction to kale LOL.
MCM Mama recently posted…Tuesdays on the Run: Where has my running gone?
I’m glad you found a reason for your low energy. I hope the multivitamin helps! I love green smoothies to up my iron intake; a quick and easy way to get a lot of nutrients. Like you, I’m not very good about admitting when it’s time to seek professional help…
Kate recently posted…Why I Love Running in St. Louis
Ah, hopefully you will start feeling better soon!
Coco recently posted…Waterfall Wednesday — Visiting Niagara Falls Canada
Wow, it must be good for you to now know what was wrong. Since my injury history, I am quick to call a doctor and make an appointment when something seems off. Hope you’ll be feeling better soon!
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