Another training week is in the books! And, for the first time in many weeks, I’m happy to say that my weekend long run hit double digits. I’m pretty pleased with this not just for the mileage but for the attitude shift that took place during the run.
To say that I wasn’t feelin’ it when I headed out the door Saturday morning would be putting it mildly. I had hit my snooze too many times to count and then meandered around my house “getting ready” for so long, J actually asked me if I was going to run or not. I huffed a reply that I was going…that I HAD to run 10. I made it out the door but decided to walk up the street before starting and came across my brother who was driving to my house to help with our current house project. He gave a raised eyebrow to which I replied “Yeah I know I’m a little slow-going this morning and I HAVE to run 10.”
There it was again…that negative attitude….there’s no such thing as I “have” to run – I choose to run…I get to run. Running is my stress reliever…my “me time!” So why was I acting like it was such a burden? As I ran I started thinking about how lucky I was to be able to be out there – my husband was home was the kids, it was beautiful morning and I was out for a run…seriously what was I stressing about? And, as corny as it may sound, with that attitude shift, the weight of the run was gone. In fact, it was one of the better runs I’ve had in a while – not because pace or time or any of the other things we runners can stress about. It was the absence of all those things and just simply remembering how lucky I am that I get to run!
Do you ever catch yourself saying you “have” to run?
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Way to get it done! I say “have to run” quite a bit. And I’m slow getting out too, which I hate. Yet part of me is excited to run as well. Mixed bag for sure.
Marcia recently posted…Are you a “Cheetah” ?
Thanks Marcia! Hopefully I can hold on to this vibe for a bit!
If I don’t get my run in I do feel a bit sluggish throughout the day. I always feel better when I get it in. Sometimes it takes me longer to get around to it than other days, but either way I find a way to get it in. A definite stress reliever. ..I agree!
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…A friend with a Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe!
Yep even when I’m not loving the runs, I still feel better if I get one in.
oh yes, i definitely sometimes say i “have” to run and try to reframe my thoughts. congrats on double digits! 🙂
Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Run Less Run Faster Training Plan
Thanks Courtney!
I say I “have” to run quite a bit as well. I think it has to do with following a half marathon training schedule that makes me say that but you’re right, we shouldn’t think of it as “have” to. Running is definitely a choice and also my “me” time away from the kiddos. Good job on getting your 10 miles in!
Sharon recently posted…Half Marathon Training Week 10: 9/15-9/21
The pressure of a training plan can definitely feed into it for sure!
OMG I do this all the time too! I make it sound like a chore, but really I love it so much! Us runners are silly sometimes!
Kristen recently posted…WordPressers Making a Splash
Yes we really can make it so much harder on ourselves than it needs to be!
That is funny I was just chatting about that with a friend. Been trying to change my attitude before these “have to funs”
Jennifer recently posted…NYC Marathon Training 9/15-9/21 – Week 14
Glad to see I’m not the only one 🙂
Hmm, I do say that from time to time. I’ll have to remember the attitude shift the next time!
Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…I Wear My Sunglasses At Night
Such a little thing, but it can make a big difference!
I’ve been feeling like that with every run lately, not sure how to get out of this rut….Hope it doesn’t last long for you!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…MCM Training week 12 recap
Oh Sue I hope the rut is just a phase for you – hang in there!
Sounds like you are in a much better place this week! Run on girlfriend 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Fitness Games App-May the odds be ever in your favor
A much better place – thanks 🙂
Great turnaround in the mindset. I think since coming back from injury, all of my runs fall into the “I get to” category right now. We’ll see if that lasts!
misszippy recently posted…One of the many reasons I run
Especially coming back from injury that makes so much sense to me!
Glad you had a great run! Oh my goodness, I used to say I “have” to run all the time before I had my foot injury. It really made everything so stressful. Attitude is everything!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Rock and Roll Philly 5K Race Recap
Isn’t it funny how an injury changes your mindset?!