It’s hard to believe that it’s been 13 years since that day. I was living in New York City then…sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago and other times it feels so fresh and recent.
I still remember getting the first call from my husband J who worked so close to the Towers that he saw the second plane hit.
I still remember staring at the TV in disbelief watching the Towers fall.
I still remember frantically trying to track down friends, while trying hard not to think about where J was. I knew he and his office mates had left the building…cell phones were out…there was nothing to do be wait and watch the news. Somehow a call from a friend of mine got through – so we sat on the phone watching the news trying to make sense of what was happening.
I still remember my heart jumping when J finally walked though the door – like so many he had walked all the way home from lower Manhattan (we were on the upper west side). Only then did I start to cry.
I think of all of those lost and I think of their families….and I still have no words.
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such an emotional day. thanks for your post. i don’t think any of us will ever forget that day and the days that followed.
I still get a tear in my eye hearing people talk about it today. Scary world sometimes. Thanks for sharing your memories
My heart still hurts. Thing 1 was 2 months old sitting in her bouncy chair as I watched TV in horror. That day was a turning point for our generation.
Thanks for sharing what happened on that terrible day. Such a sad day for all. We will never forget.
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