So my right hip has not been cooperating…in fact it’s been downright cranky. During the course of all of our vacation adventures I threw something out of whack – I’m pretty sure it was while scaling the Dunns River Falls. I knew something felt a little off towards the end of the trip…and by the time I got off the airplane I was flat out uncomfortable.
I stretched and rolled like it was my job last week…but continued to workout (you see where this is going, right?) Pilates and T25 was fine, but when it came to my runs not so much. The hip was ok (but not great) as long as I stuck to an LSD pace…and even then, 4 miles taxing (and I could start to feel my ITB talking). This was not boding well for Sunday’s 10K. After a quick chat with Coach Bennett, I knew I would not be racing this weekend – it just wasn’t worth it to risk doing damage for a race I’d signed up for on a whim…not with fall training starting in a couple of weeks.
I’m determined to go charging into my fall training…not limping in. So, I didn’t give the race a second thought, had a great weekend, and am now wholly focused on doing everything I need to to get on top of this. I’ll be heading back to the chiro this weekend…he’s been my miracle worker in the past so hopefully he can help me get back in balance fast!
Have you ever worked with a chiropractor?
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Yes a couple of times and right now working with one on my hamstring and doing some Graston work on my Achilles. He is helping a lot, but my body is not cooperating quite as much or as fast as I want it too.
Isn’t that such a runner’s problem 🙂
Good luck with your IT and hopefully the Chiro helps get you back where you want to be soonest. 🙂
Harold recently posted…Active Rest Day – RunLog 6-23-14
Such a runner’s problem is true – we always want those results yesterday 😉 That Graston work can be tough but it does help a lot! Hope things come together for you soon!
I loooove my sports med chiro. I hope they can help you out!
Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Face The Music Friday #39
My chiro’s been great in the past and I love that he’s a runner too!
I can totally see where something like this would happen at Dunn’s River Falls! That place was treacherous! I hope your chiro works some magic that has your hip feeling better fast. I swear by my sports chiro. While other docs have told me to stop running, he’s always been able to get me up and running again.
Marcia recently posted…Loving/Not Loving and a Winner
Ah so you’ve done the Falls! We had a lot of fun but it was a crazy climb!
I see a fabulous sports med chiro here in NE-Ohio. He is big on Graston and ART. What I really like, though, is rather than sideline you with weeks and weeks of PT, he gets to the root of the problem and gives you home PT.
Mine is the same way – gets you back out on the road sooner!
Oh, I hope your chiro can straighten you out quickly! Very wise to step back now and take care of it!
Coco recently posted…Cycling Books For Beginners And Beyond
Thanks Coco – hopefully a couple session with him and I’ll be ready for fall training to start next month.
Hope your hip is ok. I’ve never worked with a chiro but Allan’s mom uses one and he helps her a lot with her sciatic nerve pain.
Oh no! I hope your chiro fixes you up asap. I haven’t used a chiro in years but have friends who swear by it. Good luck!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…High Five Friday
Thanks Angela – so far so good…short runs with no pain!
I love my chiro – she does ART and I swear by it. Works awesome.
Good luck! recently posted…POPSUGAR Must Have Box – Review
Thanks Carrie – My chiro has been a lifeaver in the past!
Chiropractors are really helpful and i am glad you have testimonies for that. Thanks for sharing.