Trying to avoid a DNS pity party



Completely frustrated right now!

I’m sick. I think I may have a touch of the same virus my youngest son had just a week or so ago. The minute I started to feel lousy I should have listened to my body and taken a rest day (or two) – this thing has quietly been brewing for a bit. But I wanted to keep my training on the right track so I pushed.

And now my body’s rebelling big time. I tried to manage things as best I could, hoping I could get ahead of it. Well it wasn’t enough because I landed in bed Thursday barely able to get my head off the pillow and with almost no voice πŸ™

So, (barring a miracle recovery) the reality that I’m probably not going to be running Newport on Sunday is setting in, and I’m trying really hard to avoid having a big ole pity party. This will be my 2nd DNS this year. I was really looking forward to running Newport – it is a beautiful course, and while I wasn’t planning to “race” it, I had wanted to go and put in a solid training run with some RP miles. Now, given how I feel I doubt I could muster an LSD pace for that distance. And I know how miserable it is to run a race sick – (not to mention the hour-long drive to and from the race). BTDT…no thanks.

I’m just feeling really frustrated right now cause every time it seems that I’m starting to get on a bit of a roll, my body decides it doesn’t want to cooperate.

Ever had to DNS a race you were really looking forward to? Would you rather a DNS or a DNF?




  1. Sorry Michelle, I hope you feel better. I’ve DNS’d before due to injury and crazy snow but knock wood no DNFs. Hang in there.
    Marcia recently posted…Foodie Friday and Giveaway WinnerMy Profile

  2. Oh no! I’m going to hang on to hope that you will have a BIG turn-around and be able to make it!
    AmyC recently posted…We Run As OneMy Profile

  3. Oh–so sorry to hear, Michelle! Such a bad feeling. I hope the miracle happens but if not, rest up and come back stronger for the next one.
    misszippy recently posted…Milestone Pod Review/GiveawayMy Profile

  4. ugh – i’m so sorry to hear that! i’ve had one big DNF and it probably should’ve been a DNS. while it is INCREDIBLY disappointing, listen to your body. there will be other races and the disappointment will pass. i hope you feel better VERY soon!
    Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…Friday Five: Follow Friday!My Profile

  5. So sorry to hear that! I have not had a DNF but have had a handful of DNS’s. I think DNS’s are inevtiable since most races are planned out months ahead of time and you have no idea what will happen around race day. On the bright side, there are always more races and only one of you. So take care of you and look forward to a future race!
    Betsy recently posted…Time to Spartan Up!My Profile

  6. Aw, sorry to hear about your DNS. This has happened to me twice. I was really looking forward to the Runner’s World Weekend last October and had to bow out due to injury. Hope you get better soon!!
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…2014 Clean Air Council 5K Race RecapMy Profile

  7. Oh, no! It’s so frustrating to have to miss an event you were looking forward to. Last year, I DNSed my “A” race because I tore a calf muscle a few weeks before and was in a boot. So disappointing.
    I hope you feel better quickly.
    Jamie @ Rise.Run.Mom.Repeat. recently posted…What’s for Breakfast?My Profile

  8. Oh, so sorry! I do think a DNS is better than a DNF, if that’s any consolation? And, at least it’s not a running injury, so as soon as you are better you will be able to run again. ;
    Coco recently posted…High Five Friday Running SurveyMy Profile

  9. Oh that sucks! I’m so sorry – such bad timing! Maybe you’ll have that miracle recovery. Today being so rainy is definitely a nice day to just stay in bed and rest! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
    Courtney @ Don’t Blink. Just Run. recently posted…Face The Music Friday #31 (Plus The Update You’ve All Been Waiting For!)My Profile

  10. Oh Michelle! That really, really stinks. I hope something magical happens and you are feeling 100% better. If not, rest up and you will be back better than ever soon.
    Angela @ happy Fit Mama recently posted…High Five FridayMy Profile

  11. Sorry, Michelle. I’ve DNF’d when the wiser decision would have been to DNS. The layoff from training would have been much shorter.

    Get better soon!
    Bennett recently posted…The Truth About Plantar FasciitisMy Profile

  12. Sorry you are sick! A DNS is honestly my worst fear when signing up for a big race πŸ™ terrible feeling. Plus with 3 kids who always seem to have one bug or another I get so paranoid. I have run races sick and that’s no fun either. Best to you!
    Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Running a Marathon Versus Childbirthing: 8 Reasons They are Basically the Same ThingMy Profile

  13. Sorry to hear about the DNS. I have a bit of a setback in my training for a half marathon after stepping into a hole and stretching my plantar fascia. Need to take a few week off. It really sucks. Hang in there
    Joanne Smith recently posted…New Balance Men’s MW928 Walking Shoe Info GuideMy Profile

  14. Sorry to hear about the DNS. I am currently in the middle of training for a half marathon and the training has been so tough. After four children it has not been easy. I hope to have better luck on the day. Cheers
    Stacey Crews recently posted…Women’s Leather Orthaheel Sandal TipsMy Profile

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