Just a mere 21 days until the first day of spring!
I am choosing to ignore the latest mention of snow heading our way for Monday (a lot can change between now and then!) and instead focus on the fact that we are inching closer and closer to spring running!
So with this last day of February being a rest day for me, I thought I’d dedicate this Friday Five to wrapping up February and looking ahead to March.
Race #1 completed — 13 to go! Ambitious but I still think it’s do-able
Strength training and more strength training — While I was disappointed to have to put plans to run both a 10K and tomorrow’s 10-miler on the back burner, I have no doubt it was the right choice and I will benefit from the extra attention to strength training.
Race schedule revised — With Coach Bennett’s help, I’ve made some changes to my race schedule that I think will give me the build-up time I need to have a really strong fall race season and I’m psyched about that!
More outdoor miles vs. indoor — Despite the polar death-grip we continue to be in I actually managed to up my miles out on the road — always a win!
Simple goals for March — Continue to build the mileage smartly, while strength training like it’s my job 🙂
How was your February? What are you planning for March?
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I am so with you on counting down til spring! My goal for March is to keep on keeping on and coast into race week the first of April. If I can make it through this coming week I feel like I’ll be out of the woods. : )
You’ve had some killer weeks of training! Hope it continues to go well for you!
You are feeling more optimistic about spring than I am. I cannot remember a March 1 ever that has been this cold in Md! But I hope you are right and it’s right around the corner.
I feel like I’ve been so negative this winter – trying to take a more positive approach and hopefully my mood will improve 😉
I hope spring in coming! It is still below 0 here :9
Ouch on below zero! We hit a balmy 15 here :S
I’m hoping that the old saying “in like a lion, out like a lamb” will apply this year. I’m so over winter. Let’s not even talk about the forecast for the next few days. Blech!
I know what you mean – I’ve got my fingers crossed the “lamb” makes and early appearance 🙂
Oh yeah, February is over, isn’t it?! I guess I ought to take a look at my month and see how it went…
Yay for more runs being outside instead of inside! I’m so ready for it to be warmer all the time. We had a couple of nice days that were just a big tease since this weekend it is supposed to snow again!
Good spin on it. 😉
So…if I pretend that the snow isn’t coming, does that mean that I won’t have to shovel it because it will be invisible?
Yes. Yes. And yes. More outside, ambitious running goal but we can do it, and revise race schedule. As I sit here snowed in and not looking forward to another treadmill run.