That’s it Mother Nature! I can’t take it any more! After living under the effects of the Polar Vortex, I’ve been holding on to the weatherman’s promise of a “warm up” coming at the end of the week. So you can imagine what I was thinking when I woke up this morning to see it’s snowing! This is a warm-up?!? (My mother reads my blog so I’ll refrain from typing what I was really thinking!)
Yes I own Yaktrax and all of the appropriate winter running gear to brave the elements….but I must confess – I just don’t want to! I have Polar Vortex Fatigue.
So listen Mother Nature I know there’s still 10 weeks of winter (not that I’m counting or anything…) and I’m not asking for Spring-like temps (though a girl can dream!)…I’m just asking you to ease up on the whole Vortex of doom thing and return things to our regularly scheduled winter.
Anyone else suffering from Vortex Fatigue?
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It does appear that this will be a looooong winter! Hang in there–this weekend is definitely a big warm up here so I’m guessing you’ll get some better temps too?
I have been running on the treadmill for the past month – so yes, I am sick of this polar vortex! I can’t wait to have a nice run outside in the “warm” weather (which to me, is now 30 degrees or higher)!
Michelle – It is getting to be a PIA (Pain in the A$$), we need a week of temps in at least the 20-30’s to clear the roads, so they are runnable again. The treadmill is my friend, but a friend that I have been around too much and is beginning to irk me more than a little 🙂
Hang in there, spring is on its way, it just will take its own sweet time getting here.
It’s sort of depressing to realize how much longer we will have to be bundling up. Our temps are a bit warmer, but it’s supposed to rain all weekend.
You must live near me cus I was thinking the exact same thing when I looked out the Window this morning. It’s sad when you can’t wait for the days when it is 30 degrees out! I’m itching to get a good run in outside!
I refuse to wave the white flag. Our vortex was supposed to lift Tuesday afternoon but as of yesterday morning it was still -9. TODAY however it is a tropical 32 and rising. I am heading out, although I suspect there’s too much snow and ice to even be productive. Hang in there!
YES!!! We have been stuck in the house since Saturday night – me, my husband, 2 kids, and a dog. It’s maddening! I am DONE with this weather!
I hear you girl. Officially OVER it!
At least we have some warm stuff coming our way starting tomorrow! 40s and 50s for the next week or so…yay!!!
I totally understand though. I’m over it.
Absolutely. I love having my treadmill, but I don’t want to Have to use it! Scary as it is – last night I even had a dream of icebergs in my yard!