Happy Monday!
It never ceases to amaze me how a few miles out on the pavement can be such a mood-booster! After bemoaning the affects of the Polar Vortex last week, Mother Nature decided to show some mercy this weekend in the form of temps in the high 40s and low 50s. While Saturday’s run was not without some rain and wind, you couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. And if I’m to believe our local weather people, this January thaw should continue throughout the week.
Perfect timing as it’s time for me to get focused and start re-building my base for my spring races. I’m looking forward teaming up with Coach Bennett again and getting back to following a training plan! Goals for this week: log 16 miles, 2 strength workouts, at least one day of yoga , in addition to my daily planks.
Did you get to enjoy a break in the temps? What are you planning for this week?
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i am also glad it is warming up a bit. sadly, i got caught in the rain on my long run, but it could’ve been worse!
It was great this weekend and it’s supposed to stick around for another day or so. Enjoy the base building!
Hi Michelle! Why have I not come across your blog before. Pardon me for my lateness to this greatness. LOL!
While I am training for some smaller events, I am using this time to base build for the 2015 IM70.3 in Florida.
I am loving the temps above 40. I was running in the park on Saturday when the skies opened up and I had to run about 1/2 mile in the torrential downpour. Returned to my car completely soaked from head to toe. Mother Nature can be of so rude. LOL!
Thank you! This is just motivating me to get out and get my run on. I’ve been putting it off for a few hours now (my excuse is of course the weather)!
Hooray for the thaw! It got to 41 here but the roads are still an icy mess. Didn’t stop me from getting out though. We’re getting more snow tonight then dropping to 20 (which is still warm but not 40) so I’ll take what I can get. All the best building the base!
I went for a rainy run this weekend — I just couldn’t face an hour on the treadmill again. Today it was in the mid-30s and felt FANTASTIC. It’s so funny how weather is all relative!
I’m so glad that the weather warmed up! I ran on Saturday for a couple miles and then went out for a nice trail run on Sunday! The cold air was too much!
It was lovely temperature wise here today, but the sidewalks were such a crazy mess with ice, slush, and puddles (all in the same block!). Still, it was nice to enjoy some “warm” air for a day!
i feel so left out with my vegas and florida running, it just never got that cold 🙂 ok 20’s for me is cold and I’m not really sorry hehe!