Year in Running – 2013


Amanda aka Miss Zippy recently did her annual post looking back on her year in running and invited us to link up and do the same. So here are my answers to her questions:

Best race experience?

picmonkey_image (4)

Without a doubt running with my son for his first 5K!

Best run?

I always enjoy my long runs with my running buddy E – even the ugliest of runs is better with a friend 🙂

Best new piece of gear?

I bought a couple of YMX’s fabulous tanks and they became instant race favorites!

YMX Collage

Best piece of running advice you received?

To keep a long-term view. In a variety of ways Coach Bennett has reminded me to not let one race define me and the importance of taking a long-term view of both running and racing goals.

Most Inspirational Runner?

I draw inspiration from so many runners I could never pick just one! I am inspired by those who step outside of their comfort zones; by those who dream big and dare to go after those dreams; by those who come up short on their goals, but never give up; by those who are motivated to become a better version of themselves.

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” — This was definitely a roller coaster year for my running – challenging in many ways. But I have learned a lot about running and myself and I can’t wait to see what I can do in 2014!

Now it’s your turn – how would answer any of these questions?



  1. Congrats to your son on his first 5K! I recently framed a photo of my sister and me running her first 5K together–one of my all time favorite race experiences. And I totally agree about the long view. You’ll be a better and happier runner for it. Here’s to 2014!

  2. This is funny. Apparently we have parallel running lives in many ways. I used the best of times line in my review as well. Ha!

  3. Love the pic of you & your son 😉 Can’t wait to see you in 2014!!

  4. I love the pic with your son. That’s so awesome. I hope once I have kids, we can run together!

  5. I’m so looking forward to the day when/if my boys run their first race. What a great picture!!! I also love the quote “take a long-term view.” It works for the PRs and not-so-PRs! Great advice.
    Love linking up with Miss Zippy 🙂

  6. Isn’t it amazing how amazing our runs with our kids are? Seriously, my favorite races are with mine.

    My wish for you is a 2014 that is only an “up” year–no downs! Thanks for linking up.

  7. Love the pic of you and your son! I can’t wait till I can run my first race with my kids. The best of times, worst of times –> summed up my year too!

  8. I think running is always a roller coaster – at least there is always a way we can improve — which is what keeps us going! Here’s to a fantastic 2014!

  9. What a great role model! Love the pic with you and your son! Also love the way you answered Most Inspirational Runner – I agree!

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