Happy Friday! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great day in the RWA household – lots of food, drink and laughter – the perfect combination!
On Christmas Eve morning I ran my final race of #13in2013 – the Miles for Melanoma 5K virtual run. The streets were quiet and it was a great way to steal a few peaceful minutes for myself before all the holiday festivities got underway. A lingering head cold made this a bit of a slug pace-wise; but, after not getting many runs in lately, I was just happy to out on the road and supporting a great cause.
In other news – it’s week 12 of the #OneSmallChange Challenge! For the past 11 weeks I’ve been joining with others to make small changes each week. You can check out weeks 1 – 11 HERE. This has been a great challenge and I’m really happy with some of the habits that I’ve adopted. For the final week, I’m taking a page from Marcia, (creator of the Challenge), and focusing on some much needed self-care. I’m overdue to book a check-up, the dentist, a mammogram, haircut….you get the idea. So I’ll be taking some time to book a bunch of appointments and start 2014 off on the right foot. First up this afternoon – a massage!
Are you good about booking appointments for yourself or are you last on your to do list?
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I think self-care is a perfect thing to focus on right now, especially after the chaos of the holidays. Glad to hear Christmas was fun (and you RACED!). Thanks for linking up!
I’m good about booking appointments. Not so good about getting to them on time ….Happy New Year!
Hi Michelle! Self-care is great to do at this time of year. I think I’ve been thinking of all of the financial mumbo-jumbo I need to get in order for the new year, but booking a massage doesn’t sound like a bad idea either! Glad you had a nice Christmas!
That’s a great way to end the challenge! I’m pretty good about it, but honestly, I usually book my next one as soon as the first one is over so I don’t have to think about it. LOL