October Rewind and November Goals

Well October is quickly in the rearview mirror!

While a very busy month in the RWA household, there wasn’t much running thanks to the fall that left me with this knee photo (16) — who knew the foot would turn out to be the bigger issue?!

There was just enough running/shuffling to get me through the BAA Half to complete the BAA Distance Medley  BAA medals2

October was largely about rest and recovery – an exercise in patience that I didn’t prove to be very good at! But my foot is improving and I’m running again, so it was well worth the mileage shrinkage.

November Goals:

Just run! — My biggest goal for this month is to complete all of my training runs. I have five weeks until my December half – and how many training runs I complete and how well my foot tolerates those runs will determine whether or not I’ll take a DNS.

More Small Changes — I joined with Marcia for her One Small Change challenge in October. The goal is to add one small change each week – or you can repeat a week if you need to which is what I’m going to do this week as I didn’t get very far with my plan of daily rolling of my very tight quads and hamstrings.

How was your October? Any big goals for November?



  1. That knee looks so painful! Always better an acute injury than an overuse injury, though, if you ask me! Glad you are on the mend.

  2. Call me an optimist, but I still think you’ll be ready for your December half! No shame in a do-over week on the rolling. Sounds smart to me. Thanks for linking up!

  3. No big races, but I’m looking forward to just running too! Here’s to getting healthy!

  4. I dusted off my foam roller tonight! It’s been waaay to long,

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