Small Changes — I’m a couple of days behind on my #OneSmallChange update. So I was on a roll with Week 1‘s daily planks and then Week 2‘s keeping my coffee table clutter free, but I hit a bump in the road with Week 3’s change to up my daily water intake. Don’t know why I have such a tough time with this one, but I’ve decided to re-commit to this change for week 4 and see if I have better luck.
Race Debate — I’ve done very little running in the past week and half – in fact I’ve run exactly 3 times. I’ve been trying to give my bum foot and knee as much TLC as possible. Β And while the knee feels pretty good, my foot was sore after Tuesday’s run. I saw my massage therapist and she treated it and gave me the hairy eyeball when I floated the idea of running in this Sunday’s 5k. The Canton Fall Classic is one of my favorite races – it’s local so I get to see and catch up with a lot of friendly faces – I’d really hate to miss running it. I may hold off till Sunday morning to make the final call on this one.
And speaking of races... I did register for one more half for this year – it’s December 8. Yes I recognize that living in New England the first weekend of December can bring everything from freakishly mild temps to snow, but I’m going to cross my fingers and dig out my Yak-Traks just in case π My half marathon performance this year has left me underwhelmed to say the least and I’d like to take one last shot at putting together a good race before closing the book on 2013.
So tell me — what’s your best trick for making sure you get enough water? Would you run on Sunday?
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I don’t know about Sunday but I have found if I buy or get – free at a race sometimes – a new glass/water bottle, I tend to use it more for a while. That little boost helps build the get more fluids/water habit.
A little “retail” inspiration might help π
I keep m camelbak next to me at all times and make sure that when it is empty and I have to get up and go to the bathroom I refill it.
Good habit!
Drinking from a water bottle marked with ounces helps me! I too am feeling slightly overwhelmed with the small changes after 3 weeks. Seems like I’m suddenly juggling a lot. Hanging in a holding pattern is perfectly ok!
Hate to say it but I’d probably run. Not that that’s the right answer.
I’m so struggling with this race decision it’s crazy! Could be a last minute/register that morning kind of decision!
Oo a half marathon in December? Where at?
Good luck!
Thanks! I’ll be doing the Frosty Half Marathon in Raynham.
Being how prone to injuries I seem to be, I’d probably make the call to test myself out and just walk if necessary (and able). I know it’s tough to listen to our bodies when we really just want to get out there. That’s a tough call!
I have a race on December 8th too, but just a local Jingle Bell Run 5K in Providence. I usually carry a small handheld with water to use. That way I can sip whenever I need it and don’t need to stop at water stations.
Jingle Bell Runs are fun – there’s one in Somerville I try to run every year. Have fun!
I drink more water when I use a straw. I wouldn’t risk more injury for a 5k, but maybe you can go to cheer people on?
Funny about the straw – would never have thought of it! Decided to pass on the 5k – if I didn’t have one more half this year I might have risked it.