As I sit here recovering from Sunday’s race (recap coming soon), I’ve been sorting through the mail that seemed to grow over night that I let pile up this week and I cannot believe how many catalogs I have! Each one urging me to take advantage of their great sale, to not wait before that perfect holiday gift sells out! Seriously – it’s only mid October. Combine the catalog deluge with the four different notices my boys recently brought home announcing various school holiday activities/events and I can feel the first tinges of holiday madness starting to seep in.
And, before you think I’m jumping the gun on holiday panic – there are just 44 days until Hanukkah, 45 days until Thanksgiving and 72 days until Christmas. And, as my fellow moms know, keeping track of all of the school activities, family events and finding the perfect gift for each and everyone on our list can add quite a bit to an already packed to do list!
So how do you find/maintain some balance going into the holidays? Today I’m collaborating with a few other bloggers, sharing tips for maintaining health and fitness priorities when things get crazy. For me I find a couple of things are a must:
- Keep moving — Commit to carving out time each day to move. Some days you may have time for your regular run, but other times you won’t so have some quick back-ups ready – like planks or a few sun salutes. And, remember every little bit counts so take the stairs when you can or park at the far end of the parking lot when you’re out shopping.
- Take a moment to breathe — This time of year is when I pay special attention to not fall off the meditation bandwagon. If you don’t have a meditation practice, just taking a few times throughout the day to stop and breathe can help slow a mind overwhelmed by to do’s.
- Get enough sleep — As hard as it may be, don’t sacrifice sleep in the name of getting more done. Try to maintain your normal bedtime – your mind and body will thank you.
- Remember to eat — In your daily running around trying to cram in all that needs to get done, it is very easy to skip a meal for the sake of time. Don’t do it! Feed your body and feed it well. You’ll be less tempted to down that extra cookie and you’ll have the energy you need to get all of those “to do’s” done.
- Treat yourself — One of my favorite things to do around the holidays is plan a get together with a friend or two where we grab coffee together and then go for a mani/pedi! It’s a great way to grab a little girl-time. Check out for Spa Finder coupon codes good for big discounts on spa services and day spas.
How do you keep holiday madness in check?
A big thanks to for sponsoring this giveaway!
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Awesome stress release tips! Holidays are so much fun but can be so overwhelming at the same time.
This sounds much better than a salt soak 😉 Hope you’re feeling good today!
The good ol’ to-do list saves me from the madness. Without it, I feel overwhelmed and have no idea where to start.
I feel productive when I cross things off my list.
Holiday stress? It is way too early for that! But you’re right, we need to plan now to survive the pressures.
Holidays already! Honestly, my secret is to take extra time off around the holidays, pay a babysitter (ok, it’s the aftercare people) and burn a date night on gift shopping and a double To Do list with work things down one side and home things down the other.
I really could have used a massage after those hills on Sunday! 🙂