It’s time for the One Small Change weekly link-up! Week 2 is done and I’m happy to say that I managed to keep my coffee table this clutter free all week! The trick was to do a quick “drive-by” every morning while I was grabbing my coffee. I also kept up week 1’s daily planks so I’m two for two on the small changes so far. (OK – in full disclosure, I did take race day off on the planks!)
So what’s up for week 3?
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I just don’t drink enough water so I’d like to get at least two more glasses in each day.
Are you making small changes?
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Nice work on the coffee table and being 2/2! You and I both need to drink up! Thanks for linking up!
I feel like we could all do better with drinking water. I need to focus on drinking more water each day too.
We all deserve a day off every now and then from doing planks. 😉 Keep up the great work!
Great job going two for two! Goal 3 is a good one!
I don’t need more cowbell, but I definitely need more planks. You’ve inspired me so many times – I gotta add a daily plank!