

So this has been my view for this past few days…ya I know, tough to get use to 🙂 As a last summer hurrah, we’ve made our annual trek to the Finger Lakes in Upstate New York. It’s been great to watch the boys run around with cousins, to laze by the water … to just move at a different pace. And with the exception of one or two quick things for work, I have for the most part remained largely unplugged from all electronic devices.

I did break out the Garmin long enough yesterday for my run. I was scheduled to do a tempo run with cruise intervals so it seemed like a good opportunity to also get my 10K done for Jen & Jill’s Virtual Birthday Bash Race.  BirthdayBashButton_WEB

Clearly, I had blocked from my memory just how hilly it is around here! The beautiful views as I ran along the lake did help to distract me – at least for the first 5K – then the hills began to take their toll, it proved to be hotter out there than I had expected and the decision to not carry water started to look like a really bad choice (that and the decision to have “just one more beer” the night before!)

But I pressed on – there was definitely some muttering, a little cursing and a couple of walk breaks, especially when I hit the hill at mile 5. At 1:08:49 I was definitely not breaking any land-speed records but race #8 for #13in2013 is done! lake 2

I’ll be back on those hills for Saturday’s long run, but for now my spot by the water is calling me and I’m returning to my semi-unplugged state 🙂



  1. Enjoy your time unplugged!

  2. Oh, even those pictures are relaxing — enjoy!

  3. That’s beautiful. Enjoy!


  1. […] husband kind of chuckled when he saw the title of my last blog post – “Semi-unplugged” – when it came across his email (yes he subscribes to […]

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