Yes you already know that I’m a mom who runs….But guess who’s featured on the Another Mother website today?!?!
Yep it’s little ole me 🙂
I really enjoy reading the profiles in  “Follow this Mother” series on Thursdays and am honored to now be included!
You can stop by and check it out HERE
Let me know what you think!
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Kudos to you on the feature girlie!
I was so excited to see you on there this morning!!!! Well earned!!
Very cool! I’ll have to go over and read up!
Yay congrats! Going to check it out now!
Enjoyed reading about your running journey. I too love to run with my youngest. We are doing a 5K this Saturday. Walking and some running we’ll probably do it together in 40 minutes — but I’ve run enough races for time, that it doesn’t bother me to let him set the pace. I know I’m building a track record of memories that will last my lifetime.
That’s awesome! Good luck to you and your son on Saturday – and you are so right, it is all about making those memories 🙂
That’s so awesome Michelle! Can’t wait to run ZOOMA with you again 😉
Loved your feature, Michelle – and so happy to have discovered your blog!
So awesome! Checking it out now!
Very cool feature!