This Thursday’s randomness comes in my post-track workout induced haze….
1. There needs to be some basic rules posted at our track — Why would you, as a walker, continue to walk in the same lanes you see people are running in? I can see maybe being clueless the first time round but after you’ve been passed – move over! (And to make matters worse there were 2 of them walking together)
2. My next rule for the track is no perfume. One of the same walkers was doused in perfume – each time I ran by her it was like dodging the perfume counters in a department store.
3. And now completely unrelated….told you this would be random…I got an email this morning announcing that the half I’m running next month Boston’s Run to Remember has sold out and they are looking for more race volunteers. This race is run in honor of fallen police officers and after recent events, registration skyrocketed. This will be the first major race run on the streets of Boston since the Marathon – so if you are going to be in the Boston area Memorial Day Weekend, and want to be part of what should be an incredible day, please consider volunteering. You can check out the race website HERE.
So do you have any rules for the track?
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There are rules for the track. They should NEVER be walking next to each other when someone is running. Ugh. I shared the track with the UNC track team once (think Marion Jones) and tried SO hard to stay the heck outta their way.
That race will be amazing! Wish I were closer and not racing here in Chi-town. I’d come volunteer.
I’m running the Run to Remember as well. It will be my first time at that race. I’m sure it will prove to be a memorable experience this year.
What a wonderful event in Boston.
I hate people that are walking several people wide and don’t seem to care that they are blocking paths. Ugh.
lol… seems like legit rules… I’ve only ever gone to the track when no one else is there… I have no clue how I get so lucky! 😉