Lessons from Training

As I make my racing plans for 2013, it seems only fitting that I do so based on lessons I learned during the past training cycle.

Lesson 1 – Get comfortable with  being uncomfortable
Almost from the outset, I remember looking at the workouts, target paces and mileage Coach Bennett had laid out for me and often my thought was – “he wants me to do what?!” But I chose to work with a running coach because I wanted to shake things up, right? So good bye comfort zone!

Lesson 2 – Trust in the training
Despite being uncomfortable, I followed my plan as it was laid out.  This was much more a test of me getting out of my head (fighting the “I can’ts” or “What ifs?”), and just taking each run as it came.

Lesson 3 – Hill work will make you stronger
‘Nuff said here.

Lesson 4 – Listen and be kind to your body
As much as I embraced my plan, I was also careful to listen to my body and cut a run short or take the rest day when I needed it. I was also diligent in what I call “proactive self care” – in the form of lots of foam roller, icing, massages and a lot more yoga. Collectively, I believe this all helped me to stay off the injured-reserve list.

Lesson 5 – Reflect and find the positives
My bi-weekly calls with Coach Bennett were so critical for this. As I mentioned HERE before the ZOOMA Half Marathon, the biggest gift Bennett gave me was to help me to take the time to look back, whether it was the past 2 weeks, the past month or the entire training cycle. To remind yourself of the challenges faced, obstacles overcome and successes all help to put your mind in the right space.

For 19 weeks I worked with Coach Bennett – through the crazy heat of summer, through hill work, through a sometimes cranky ITB, through many, many miles…and the results this fall were 3 races and 3 PRs. But more importantly, I believe I’m a changed runner, which will hopefully serve me well as I get ready for 2013.




  1. Really great lessons, Michelle! And you will be stronger for implementing the learning–smart lady!

  2. You’re totally right about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. For me, it’s that I want to see results right away but I know it’s going to be a slow process and that makes me uncomfortable. Why can’t I just run and be stronger an faster the next day, lol.

    But, I’m gettin there am that’s what counts.

    Next step is hill-repeats. And lots of them! My last race had a hill that slowed me down big time! And I don’t want that happening again.

    Anyway, keep working with your coach and you’ll crush next year! Happy running!

  3. I think Lesson 2 would be the hardest one for me to overcome. I get in my own way too much. But these are some really great lessons to remind ourselves of!

  4. I totally agree about hills, I have such a love hate relationship with them, but where I live, I can’t avoid them. And you are so right about getting out of your comfort zone, makes the rewards that much sweeter!

  5. Great lessons, even the one about hills! LOL

  6. Great reflection on obviously very successful lessons! Something is clearly working for you, so good for you for acknowledging them. Don’t mess w/ a good thing, right?

    Happy 2013!!!

  7. You had a great year!

  8. It’s been such a wonderful year for you Michelle and you’re an even stronger and smarter runner than before. There’s no doubt that 2013 will have more PR’s and great races in store for you!

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