Another un-caffeinated post on a Monday morning….
- I’d really like someone to explain to me why my son’s hockey games must all start at 7 on a Sunday morning?!?!? It’s going to be a very long season….
- So race week craziness has returned as I count down the days to this Sunday’s race. As I mentioned HERE I don’t fare well during these weeks!
- Big goal this week is to try to get enough sleep – something I’ve been sorely lacking of late.
- While I am looking forward to taking a break from a training plan, I’m already eyeing 6 – 8 races for next year. Haven’t pulled the trigger on any of them yet…oh my poor credit card!
Yurbuds Winner!
Thanks to all of you who entered the Yurbuds giveaway — the playlist suggestions were great! And, with the help of, the winner is lucky #7 Jen from Hello Fitness We Meet Again. Jen, please email me at Congrats!
Anyone else started shopping 2013 races yet?
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Wow thanks!! Can’t wait to get them and try them out! I’ve got 2 half marathons I’m signed up for next year, 2 more that I have my eye on, and I’m sure I’ll sprinkle some 5ks and 10ks in there too 🙂
Race week is tough for sure! I just got through my race week and was afraid I would trip down the stairs, wrestle with insomnia every night, etc. Fortunately, none of that happened and I’m sure you’ll be great for your race!
Good luck!!
Woot for race week! I’m not shopping races yet…much…although I’m about to pull the trigger on the Wisconsin HAlf…
I just started looking and have two half marathons picked out for the first half of the year, along with my usual 5k, 5 mile, and 10k runs I love doing.
We can think of each other on Sunday mornings…my son swims at 7:30 every Sunday. Seriously–why do they do scheduling like this???
It’s fun to look ahead to 2013. Anxious to hear what you choose! Good luck staying calm this week.