1. If someone sees my zen, could you please return it to me! It’s almost hard to imagine that last week this time I was getting ready to head out of town with J for a weekend away to celebrate our anniversary. (By the way, thanks you for all the good wishes!) We had a great time! But a few days back into the grind of the daily routine, kids’ school work & sports, etc. and that weekend away seems like a million years ago! As a friend pointed out, “The zen disappears the moment you pull into your drive way.”
2. It’s Thursday so that means I hit the track this morning which always makes me happy (despite not being a fan of 1000 meter repeats!) There’s always something about finishing a track workout that leaves me feeling a little badass — gotta work on translating that feeling to the road more often! Just a little more than 3 weeks until the Chilly Half Marathon — I think I may try to go check out the course this weekend to see what I’m in for.
3. I participated in a great Twitter chat on Tuesday hosted by FitFluential and Commitment Day. What is Commitment Day? It’s a movement to get 300,000 people in over 30 cities to participate in a nationwide 5k on January 1st, and more importantly to set the tone to commit to a healthier lifestyle in 2013. You can run, walk, skip if you want but the point is to get out there. I especially love that they are encouraging families to come out and participate together (in fact children register for free with an adult!) I’m planning to participate in the Boston event with J and our boys and encourage you to check out the event in your city — check the Commitment Day website for more information.
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I need to check out that Commitment event–fun! Track is totally badass. Thats probably why I like it so much. : )
I’m totally with you on the post track-workout badassery. I guess it’s because I was never on a track team at any point, but it feels more ‘official’ if I’m running around a track. Hope the zen returns soon. Always jarring returning to the real world after a nice escape.
I’ve never done a track workout, but I know that I feel pretty bad-ass after all speed workouts.
I wish I could have been at that Twitter chat, I totally want to participate.
Good luck finding your zen. I hate how much we have to pay for going away on a fun weekend.
Running on the track sounds impressive to me. Sorry your zen seems to be missing. Hope you have a great weekend!
Good job on your track workout! I hardly do any speedwork outs, I should really start doing it, especially now when the temps go down.
Zen likes to come and go, if life didn’t just happen to get in the way then we’d have more of it I’m sure….but I think that’s what makes it more special – it’s because it’s not a given. Hope it returns soon for you and hope you nailed that badass track workout. The track can always instill a little lost Zen, yes? Yes! 🙂
Happy Weekend!!