Towards the end of my long run on Saturday, I tweaked my left knee. I was on my last down hill when I must have landed funny on my left foot because I felt a zinging sensation on the front outer part of my knee that radiated up my ITB — pretty much stopped me in my tracks. I walked for a minute and it seemed to subside so I went on to finish the run (I only had just over 2 miles left). After the run I iced my knee and then went on to join the family for more vacation fun. On Sunday we did a little hiking, nothing strenuous, but I didn’t feel any soreness until towards the end of the day…so more icing.
After a 7 hour car ride Monday, I was stiff and tight and really looking forward to my run on Tuesday. Unfortunately, my knee was not! Within the first half mile I was uncomfortable and by the time I reached 3 miles I was starting to worry that I was just aggravating the situation so I cut the run short for more icing and rest. I got in touch with Coach Bennett to get some advice on whether to attempt my easy run on Wednesday. Given that the soreness is persisting, his advice was to not run again until my next long run Saturday. With just two and a half weeks until ZOOMA, he told me that I’ll benefit more from additional rest than running hills today.
So despite that fact that I’m itching to run, I’m heeding his advice, taking the extra rest and focusing on the strengthening exercises he’s given me so this doesn’t turn into a full-blown injury. Fingers crossed for Saturday!
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You are being very wise Michelle!!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and your knee…you need to be ready to rock those Falmouth hills!!!
Sorry to hear this! I hope the rest does the trick-you are being smart!
You’re making the right decision! Always honor your body and it will reward you. Fingers crossed!
Hang in there…better to make sure you are better before you hurt yourself worse!
Oh geez Michelle I’m sorry to read this! Its just so easy to step “wrong” and tweak something. You’re being smart in laying off. Keeping everything crossed the rest will payoff and you’ll be good as new come race day.
Not running for a runner is the hardest thing there is! Be patient, do the work, listen to your coach and keep smiling – before you know it you will be out there running 🙂
Do you think it is your IT? If so, break out the foam roller. Downhills are the worst for that injury. You have 2 weeks left, so it’s a perfect way to taper. Listen to your body and DONT run.
Sending you positive healing vibes.
I do think the problem is coming from my IT. The foam roller and I are quickly becoming BFFs – painful but necessary. Thanks for the good vibes 🙂
Fingers crossed for you! I tweaked my knee last Saturday on all the hills of my 10k & my doc said no running until this weekend. It’s frustrating but rest is probably best.
Resist, resist! We want you to run ZOOMA healthy 😉
I’m sorry about you hurting the knee, but good on ya for resisting the urge and taking the running break. I’m doing the same thing myself…have a grade 1.5 calf strain that has been hanging on for 4 weeks now, so I decided to put a few non-running days in a row into the schedule to see if it helps.
One of the motivational phrases I have on the wall in front of me reads….”The key to proper training is to do what you NEED to do, not what you WANT to do”. For myself (and for many of us I think), what we often “want” to do is get out for another run, and what we sometimes “need” to do is, well, nothing for a bit.
Good luck on your long run this weekend !
Love that phrase! Hope your calf heals quickly 🙂
Oh no!! Maybe some ibuprofen helps? I’ll kep my fingers cross you feel 100% better by saturday.
Hope all is good! Heal up quick, but take it easy, and get back out there!!!
Take care of the knee! It’s always the downhill where the problems will arise.