Thursday Thoughts: Vacation Edition

We arrived in beautiful Canandaigua Lake yesterday – visiting J’s family and enjoying the last hurrah of summer before the madness of school and sports schedules take over once again.

I woke up to this beautiful view this morning…seriously my little camera cannot do this justice!

Then I went out and ran this! I don’t think this picture does this hill justice either….

Despite being on vacation, Thursdays still means it’s hill repeat day and lucky for me (did I really just say lucky?), there are no shortage of hills in the Finger Lakes region. The real trick was finding one that wasn’t going to completely shread my quads 🙂

Got the run done, the boys have already dragged me out on to the tennis court and now they’re begging to go swimming. I think they’re on a mission to see how much we can cram into the first day! I cannot blame them – summer feels like it’s gone by much too fast. Need to make the most of every last day. And, besides, I’m quite sure there will be a cold beer or two waiting for me at the end of the day!




  1. Lucky you! Looks like an amazing time to spend your day…

  2. Sounds lovely! And it’s beautiful there! I actually wish there was a decent hill for repeats nearby. No hills that are really long enough though…

  3. That sounds like a vacation filled with amazing memories! Good for you for getting in a workout on vacation!

  4. I love that lake!! Have so many good memories from there and Honoeye Lake. Enjoy your vacation!

  5. Aww, enjoy the last days of summer & your beer 😉

  6. Kudos to you on getting the hill workout in while on vacation!

  7. Gorgeous! Makes me want to run hills on vacation.

  8. And a nap hopefully! I felt like sleeping all afternoon after battling waves for a few hours a day in California. Sometimes you need recovery time from vacation

  9. Cold beer makes all runs good, doesn’t it? 🙂 Have a great time!!

  10. Good job for working out while on vacation!!! I will run my marathon in Corning, NY, which is also in the finger lake area. Beautiful place!

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