Two Years and Counting

This little ole blog is 2 today!

Last year this time, I was in the middle of training for my first half marathon….now I’m getting ready for #5! Never saw that coming 🙂

Running with Attitude has been a great place for me to record my highs and lows, and growth as a runner. This blog (and running) has given me great opportunities to connect with some amazing people, try out new gear, and become a FitFluential Ambassador. I’m excited to see what’s in store for the year ahead!

And, as always, I’m grateful to all of you who’ve encouraged and inspired me on this journey!

Happy Running!


  1. happy blogiversary! hope next year is great!

  2. Wow… 2 yrs! That is awesome. Keep up the good work (blogging & running!)

  3. Congratulations! Glad I found you for sure 🙂 I’ll celebrate 1 year already in June and that floors me!!! What did I do before blogging….

  4. Happy Anniversary. I think I’m around 2 years now too – never thought I’d still be at it. Such a supportive community, especially when the inevitable injuries pop up. Hope the rest of 2012 is great for you on all levels.

  5. whhooooooooooo. That is me blowing out the virtual candle on your blog birthday cake. Congrats!

  6. Happy blogivesary! Glad you got started and glad you are still around to share with us!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!!! Sounds like it was a good year for you.

  8. Congrats, Michelle! Gotta support the locals!!! Even though I’m only in my first year, I think your blog was one of the first I found and joined. Keep up the great work! :>)

  9. Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed seeing your progress and meeting another running lacrosse mom! 😉

  10. Congrats! Happy Blogiversary!

  11. Congrats! Happy Blogiversary (one of my favorite words). You’ve accomplished so much!!

  12. You achieved a lot in the last 2 years! Congrats!!!
    I just checked and I actually missed my 2 year blog anniversary, mine was April 5 – Opps! 🙂

  13. Happy terrific 2!! Seems like just yesterday you were running your first half. Time does fly. Here’s to years of happy running and blogging ahead!

  14. Congratulations on two years of blogging and here’s to many more!

  15. Happy blogaversary! I actually hit 5 years last month and my best laid plans to have some top 5 moments never happened. Oh well!

    Here’s to another great year of running and blogging!

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