My long run Saturday was 12.25 – my longest training run to date. It was a solid run despite running 3/4 of it in a downpour. I loved the look I got from a woman in her car as I waited for the light so I could cross – she literally shook her head at me as the rain was blowing sideways. I just nodded at her and smiled – “Yep I’m out here baby and loving it!”
I felt more solid on the hills than I had the previous week. The play list still needs fine tuning (no pun intended), but it’s coming together nicely. The one thing that didn’t go so well was my fueling – I ran out of gas in the ninth mile and it became a mental bargaining game from that point to the end.
Looking back on it I think I would have done better to take GUs at 4 and then again at 8 — I’ll try that this Saturday and see how it feels. I’m also going to need to make a decision about whether or not to wear my hydration belt. While I’m still not in love with wearing it, I have done all of my long training runs in it. When I ran Philly last fall I wore it and given the congestion at the water stations I was glad to have it. I didn’t use it for the Wampanoag 10, but then again it was a significantly smaller race. RnR USA is sold out so given the potential numbers, I’m leaning towards wearing it.
I’m too far out to start checking the 10-day forecast and obsessing about the weather. Which means the race day attire is still up in the air – not a huge problem I suppose since I know better than to wear anything new without testing it out first. I just know how unpredictable DC weather can be…but I have no control over it so I need to let it go.
OK I’ll stop obsessing for now….my five mile run calls!
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So exciting all those last minute tweaks! I think the GU later will really help you out! Oh and if only we could control the weather we would have so little to stress about! Kudos to you for getting out there in that rain!!
Sounds like you are getting everything sorted out. You got this in the bag baby! Nice work Michelle
Unpredictable is the perfect word when it describes this area in March! I hope you get perfect weather. You may get to see some cherry blossoms, too, b/c they are popping around here.
Sounds like you are already pretty prepared and ready to go!
I love the last minute race nerves. So jealous. You’re going to have a great race.
Love the rain story!!
Very exciting.
Trust your training.
Don’t try anything new.
Go get ’em!
Personally I’d wear the belt. It’s always better to have fuel/hydration than not. Race day will be here before you know it–we’re in for a warming trend, surprise surprise. Not.
I second Marcia. You’re used to training with it, it’s better to have it, then regret NOT having it. I’m excited for you!
Definitely use your water — I’ve heard rumors that RnR uses fire hydrant water while other organizers use bottled water. (There were bad stories after RnR Vegas). Its just rumors, but why risk it. As for the weather, we had snow flurries on Monday and it was 72 today.
Hey there…found your blog off of Taking it on…I’m a new follower…good luck with your race!!
I think that if you have been wearing your belt on your long runs, you will be thankful for having it on come race day!! and running in the rain…Love it…You Go Girl! The woman in the car was just jealous;)
Hey thanks for the follow!
I think like you and a couple of others have said, I probably will be happier with my belt than without it 🙂
I’m a two-Gu-gal myself when it comes to those long runs over 10 miles. I am so excited to see how this race pans out! You did so well in Philly. This one is going to be incredible 🙂
I want you to know that I still have the race strategy you mapped out for me for Philly 🙂 I’m going to use it again and hopefully this time my left leg will let me execute it better!
I start obsessing about the weather as far out as I possibly can. Accuweather goes out even further. I hope your week goes by quickly!
Great job!! I had to laugh imaging the woman in the car. Runners are crazy and I love it! 🙂 I usually wear my belt and feel safer that way. Good luck!
Have a great 5 mile run!