My mind is a total jumble this morning as I’m trying to keep straight everyone’s schedules, backpack requirements, meeting times, groceries list, menu planning and other errands….yeah basically just the typical “Mom’s Brain Syndrome.” I would love one day when I could come down stairs in the morning and someone would tell me what I have scheduled for the day and then hand me a packed bag with all of the things I’ll need…a girl can dream can’t she?
After a great week of training capped off by a strong 11 mile run Saturday, I’m having a hard time finding a groove this week. Being up with my sick little guy half the night earlier this week hasn’t helped, but in general the runs have just been ok verging on blah. Guess that’s part of the ebb and flow of running.
The FedEx guy delivered my PureConnects yesterday (cue the angels!) I’m silly excited to try this shoe out, but it probably won’t be today as I’m off to do hill work and I doubt hills are the best way to try out a new shoe. Tomorrow’s suppose to be a rest day, but I may need to sneak a couple in just so I can give these shoes a go.
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beautiful new shoes! I hope you love them.
i just got the PureFlow’s and love them. Excited to hear what you think.
As far as Mom brain…the story of my life. I would love for someone to come down and say, “You have nothing today.”
Wow, those shoes look fast 🙂
Those are some cute shoes!! I hope your weekend slows down for you!
Yowsa, those really do look fast!!! Might have to get me some, although they’re probably not built for a plowhorse like me!
Ebb and flow…….it’s the wisdom to recognize that it’s only temporary and you’ll come back stronger than ever!
And having cute, fast new shoes won’t hurt, either……now get out there and burn some rubber!
I love how real your blogs are! Thanks for sharing the struggles that you have with training and being a mom.
OMG, if you find that angel that meets me at the bottom of the stairs in the AM with my packed lunch and schedule for the day, let me know and send him/her to my house please. Ah, what an awesome daydream.
I hope your new shoes rock!
I hear you with the “Mom Brain” I am consistently making lists & filling in calendars and still things slip through the cracks I think today I failed to put a fork in daughter #3s lunch and forgot the girls basketball practice was cancelled until we showed up and no one else was there. Love the shoes I am in desperate need of new running shoes so I look forward to the review. 🙂
Oooo! I want to try the pure connects so bad! Let me know how they are!
Hope you like your Pure Connects! I love my Pure Flows. They feel so fast!
I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts. I have considered the Pure flow but need more information.