Recently, Miss Zippy posted a great list of questions on the “best of” for 2011 and invited us all to do the same…so here are my answers!
Best race experience?
Without a doubt Boston’s Run to Remember – this was my first half marathon! I felt like I had achieved a huge accomplishment just making it to the start line, and the whole race I had this “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!” feeling. Also, I had my whole family there and they went through herculean efforts to see and cheer me on in multiple sports throughout the race. It was a great first experience and laid the groundwork for my growing love affair with the half distance!
Another first — the first time I ever ran 10 miles. It was one of those perfect runs, everything felt good and even the traffic lights cooperated so I never had to stop. I remember my confidence growing as the miles ticked off and when I finished I did a little happy dance in my driveway (neighbors must have loved that!)
This one’s hard – I did a lot of……accumulating this year 🙂 It’s a tie between my Brooks running skirt and my Saucony Kinvaras – for both it was love at first run!
Everything I learned during my time with Ryan Miller, certified ChiRunning instructor! Also, to make the transition to minimalist shoes slowly.
Way to many to pick just one! I have been inspired and motivated by so many runners’ stories this year – from daily training, to racing, to overcoming injuries.
Moving in the right direction!
There is so much to reflect on this year. This list was a fun way to get started!
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Let’s see…..first off, staying relatively healthy all year and not getting injured. Running my 2nd Cape Relay in May was cool…..running the Harvard Pilgrim Independence 10K and finishing on the 50-yard line of Gillette Stadium on 7/4, followed shortly by the Rock The Crossroads 5K in Kansas City on 7/9…..and then getting the call on October 26th from the Melanoma Foundation of New England inviting me to join their 2012 Boston Marathon team…..yeah, it’s been a great year! All the best to you and your readers!
Love your Best Run. 🙂
My highlight of 2011: It would be getting my personal treadmill! 🙂
Looks like you had an exceptional year, lady 🙂
I love how you summed up your year, it was a great one!
Merry Christmas Michelle!
You’ve had an amazing year! Look how far you’ve run!