After dealing with this head cold/cough/crud thing that got hold of me last week and hung on, I’m feeling the need to jump start my workouts. Yes I’m feeling a little behind on my ever-growing holiday to do list, but I’m also determined to strike some balance, not get distracted, and to finish this year strong and lay the foundation to kick off 2012 right.
How are you doing – are you hitting your goals? Are you finishing the year the way you want?
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This is probably the first time I’ve actually sat down and thought about how finishing out this year strong can help put us in a different position from most when 2012 begins. Several people will just be starting to run and workout and I feel like I’ve laid the ground work to be ready to hit the ground running (literally) in 2012!
Sounds like you’re back on track! I’m a master at making To Do Lists, I currently have three of them going!
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the holidays, but all in all, doing ok. Keep up your determination!
I have a long to do list…not only do I have the holidays but I also have my daughter’s birthday!! However I’m keeping my eye on the 1500 mile prize!
This may be the first year that I am closing out the final couple of months like I really want to.
Go get rid of your cold and finish the month and year strong!