Wrapped up week 9 of my half training with a return to double digits on Saturday’s long run. It’s been 4 weeks since my left ITB has been willing to go that far so I’m very happy all body parts cooperated!
Just 5 weeks left to go until Philly – 5 weeks to test the legs, hit my target paces, get focused and keep the IT in a cooperative state (read: roll, ice, rest, repeat!).
The plan for this week:
Monday — Easy run (3 or 4) and Yoga
Tuesday — Track work (mile repeats…did you just hear me groan?!)
Wednesday — Recovery (3) and Strength work
Thursday — Tempo run (6)
Friday — Rest
Saturday — Long run (11)
Congratulations to everyone who raced this weekend – it’s been great reading your race reports! Definitely inspiring!
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So glad the ITB is behaving itself! It will hopefully be nothing more than a blip on the screen for you and Phila will be a great day!
Great news that you’re winning the battle with your ITB. Never an easy task to get all the parts cooperating with mind to behave for training. Hope the remainder of your training is healthy and happy.
Yay ITB 🙂
I hope that ITB holds up; I have found this summer that Epsom salt baths kept everything in check.
I’ve been googling stretches for ITB, and came across this video where the PT took what looked like a little plunger, and pulled up on the patients IT band, to loosen it up. I’m so curious if that would work!
@Molly – I’m willing to try anything to keep this thing in check! Off to Google now 🙂