Earlier this week I had talked about making choices, and that first on my list for the week was to hit the target pace for each workout. A worthwhile goal right?
So I went to the track on Tuesday to face the intervals I dread the most…1600’s. As I ticked off each lap, pace math was making my head swim – I was obsessed with the numbers…but I did it, each interval was in fact below my target. I left the track, sweat-drenched and satisfied. Wednesday was a good strength training session and then came Thursday’s tempo run. I admit I can get a little psyched out over tempo runs, but I kept telling myself that the 1600 intervals I had run called for a faster pace than this run did…and besides the goal was to hit each target pace right? Wrong!
From the beginning I struggled through the run and, as the numbers on my Garmin didn’t come down, the level of my negative self-talk went up. Now yes, it was 75 degrees out and crazy humid but there was more going wrong here than just Mother Nature not cooperating. I slogged through and in the end only hit 1 mile where I wanted to, and as soon as the Garmin chimed for the 5th mile I did something I’ve never done before. I stopped my watch and walked the last quarter mile home. I was miserable and just wanted to be done! It wasn’t until I was whining about it to J last night that it hit me….I was so caught up in hitting the pace that I had completely sucked the joy out of the run. I had kept using phrases like “I have to…” that morning, like it was some chore I needed to check off my to do list. Not a good recipe for success.
This morning I was eager to get back out on the road – not necessarily for “redemption” but just to cut loose and enjoy a run. I debated wearing my Garmin, but did throw it on promising myself that no matter what number flashed at me that this was to be a run purely on feel. I just let go – I didn’t think about “have tos” or “must dos” I just ran for the simple joy of being out for a run on a perfect fall morning. Yes, I did glance at my Garmin once or twice, but I stuck to my promise to just go by feel. And, when I was done I felt recharged…and the nice bonus was I’d run a faster 4 miles then I have in awhile.
While training plans and target paces are all valuable to help reach whatever goal you’ve set, it is so important to not forget to just run for the simple joy of a run!
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So true! Glad you got to find your joy this week.
I had a run like that on Tuesday. At one point my friend looked at me and said, “are we even moving?” it was hot, humid and gross. the next day was a great 5 miler. Yay for finding your joy!
So true. We get so caught up in goals that we can forget to enjoy it. Thanks for the reminder.
I couldn’t agree more with you!
Take time to enjoy the run, smell the air, the freshly cut grass, the laundry someone has in their home, and even some funky stench while you run behind the trash truck. Enjoy!
Right now I’m big on running for the joy of running. Sometimes the pressure of trying to hit a PR zaps the fun out of it, and that’s no good for me.