- I’m wondering what happened to the lovely fall-like temps we had here in New England just a week ago. Oppressive humidity has returned and it is sucking the life out of my “speedwork.”
- I’m in the final days of trying to get ready for the family’s first trip to Disney World – my head is spinning from the daily emails from the lovely Disney folks reminding us of all the activities/shows/etc. we have to choose from, advice from friends on the “must dos,” and thinking of all that needs to get done before we get on the plane!
- My last two long runs have been 10-milers and I’ve got 11 on tap for Sunday. I’ve really been enjoying my long runs and lovin’ how I’m feeling when I’m done. A turning point?
- I’ve started using my Kinvaras for more than just track work and am amazed at how different the foot feel is vs. the Mirages. I think this slow and steady transition to a minimalist shoe has been the best approach for me – eventually I’d like to be running in the Kinvaras for long runs as well, but I think I’m going to wait until after Philly’s done.
- Looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend – just the usual kids sports and family running around. After another crazy busy week, I’m craving some down time.

Have a Great Weekend!
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OOOH I want to go to Disney!!! Yes I agree…we had a hint of Fall then back came the humidity! Gotta love New England! Way to go on your long runs. I do believe it sounds like you are liking this long distance thing!!! Awesome!!!
Enjoy Disney!! When you’re walking thru the castle or by the Epcot ball, envision yourself running the Disney Marathon…
Main Street, Magic Kingdom….lined with spectators…at about the 10 mile mark…..priceless 🙂
Tempting, huh?
we are headed to Disney in November. Excited for 5 days of family time.
one of my running besties lives in her kinvaras. she took her time in breaking them in, but that is what she is using for Chicago.
and the weather…YUK! where is fall?
Michelle I LOVE Disney and you’re going to have a great time!! It really is magical and the happiest place on earth!..for adults too! LOL I know you’re working hard w/your running, but if you like chocolate chip cookies, they have a shop with some really large delish ones! Enjoy!!
I heart Disney. I did an internship there in college. I spent every waking moment of my free time at parks…
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