- Got hit with what I’m calling the “Half Hangover” — post race I felt really good Monday and Tuesday, but whamo on Wednesday I felt totally spent! I’m talking dead on my feet…even had a sore throat – so random. Still wasn’t feeling fab when I got up this morning, but I figured I’d go for just a quick couple of miles before the kids went to camp. Surprisingly the heaviness in my legs was gone within the first half mile, and by the run’s end I was feeling much, much better.
- I can’t stop thinking about a runner I met Sunday while hanging out before the race. She was 13 years old and there to run her first half marathon! She was the sweetest girl and her face completely lit up when she talked about running. But 13?! Is it just me, or does that seem too young to be out there and running by herself? I’ve been wondering how she held up in that crazy weather.
- Today I’m kicking off a 30-day ab-work challenge for myself. My core could be a lot stronger than it is, and of late this is an area I’ve really been slacking off in my workouts. So from now through September 9th, I’m committing to do some core work daily. Hopefully after 30 days, it will be a habit I stick with.
Want to play along? What’s your favorite core workout?
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I just read something about young runners and now can’t remember a thing. yes 13 sounds too young to me.
going to check out your race report in a sec! Sorry I’m so late!
I’m pretty good about attending to corework. I’ve been doing stuff on a ball that’s pretty good. I’ll have to post about it.
The core workout is such a great idea! I think I might just take that challenge with you!!
13 sounds young, but my younger sister ran the Tufts 10k at 14, and has been hooked on running distances since…so I don’t know – there are tons of youth track programs out there and with all the running moms I see on these blogs, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more and more those young runners!
13 seems so young to be doing a half marathon. Wow! That is some dedication. My favorite core workout? Hmm not sure but I Bodyrock.tv always has fun moves for core strengthening.
13 does seem young to me especially considering the weather conditions on Sunday.
I’ll join you! I really love doing pilates for core and working with the ball!!
Hey! I’m a new reader and just found your blog:D
Wow! 13 and already doing a half marathon? I think I’m on the fence about this. I think if my 13 year old self had more sense to run for something other than the ice cream truck, that would have been a good thing HAHA
I go through fits and starts with core workouts. Good luck. I totally should play along.