Crazy schedule wrapping up the school year, plus taking a a few days off after the race turned June into one of my lowest mileage months this year.
With school finally done, we’re settling into a summer routine around here and I’ve been pushing the alarm clock back to get those early morning runs in – must be working cause I woke up at 5:30 this morning without the alarm…only problem was today’s a rest day.
I loved reading everyone’s comments about how fast to do a long run. I have 10 miles on the plan for tomorrow. This will be the first time going back up to double digits since the race so I’ve decided to just run by feel and see where I come out pace-wise — should serve as a good benchmark. I’ll also be testing out my Nathan hydration belt.
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Good luck with the 10 and I hope you like the belt!
No I can’t believe July is tomorrow! Waaaaiiit!
Cracking up….. I woke up at 5:30 this morning without the alarm…only problem was today’s a rest day.
Life has a funny way of adjusting our mileage – with our permission or not! I’m sure you’ll get back on track in no time. Happy July 4th!
Dont ya just love your internal alarm clock.. ugh!
Been there.. Good luck with you 10..
I received my book, thank you so much I’ll be reading it sometime this summer.. I am right now in the middle of a couple books.
Glad one of us is finding a summer routine that is working. I really admire your ability to get up and get your runs in I saw this quote the other day on facebook
“We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -John Rohn
Sounds like you fall on the discipline side while I have been hanging out on the side of regret hopefully next week that will change. 🙂
It doesn’t feel like July 1st around here! I like when my internal clock gets me up before my kids so that I have time to collect myself before it is GO time!