- So far the shift to early morning workouts is working. The alarm’s been going off at 5:20 and I’m usually moving 15 mins later. Despite not being what I would ever consider a morning person, I’ve been reminded this week of how much I enjoy starting my day with a run. It’s like a morning meditation in motion.
- Speaking of meditation, I signed for another 21-day Meditation Challenge sponsored by the Chopra Center. I did a similar challenge during the winter and stuck with meditating for weeks afterwards. But of late I’ve let it slip so this challenge came at a good time. I find I’m definitely more focused and even-keeled when I’m meditating.
- My love affair with my Saucony Mirage continues – I’ve been doing all of my short runs in them while using my Brooks for the long runs. I’ve got another 10 on the plan for tomorrow and I’m tempted to try the Sauconys instead. My calves are really tight after yesterday’s tempo run so I’ll have to see how I feel in the morning.
Do you rotate shoes or stick to a one pair at a time?
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Morning runs always work best for me in the spring/summer. I’ve never thought to trade out my shoes when doing shorter mileage vs long runs. Interesting.. I’ll be considering that. good luck with your challenge
I rotate between 2 pairs when I run. And then I have a pair I just use to cross train in. I also have a pair to wear whenever.
What can I say I love shoes!
Great job getting up in the mornings to run. It’s so tough to do. I really want to become a morning weekday runner. As for rotating shoes, I rotate 2 of the same model, although I hope to actually add to that. I’ve been rotating for a year-plus now and it seems I can get more mileage out of them by giving the shoes recovery time.
What do they say it takes–something like 30 days for a habit to form? You’re on your way!
Good for you for taking meditation so seriously. I’m sure the benefits are fantastic!
I love my morning runs – the earlier the better. I even am slightly disappointed if the sun is already up before I head out.
I usually just have one set of shoes in use. I continue to be intrigued by these lighter/minimalize shoe options, but think I will wait until I make it though my crazy June race schedule. Now is not the time to experiment!
I do love starting my day with a run!!! Once I wake! hee hee! It just sets the tone for the day for me!
I usually try to have two newer pairs of running shoes to rotate. This let’s the cushioning in the soul of the shoe time to recover before the next run. Also, they don,t wear out as fast either.