Last week was a good one!
There were no snow days, which meant schedules were fairly normal for the first time since the begining of January.
I got all of my planned workouts in except for an easy 3 miler which I opted to skip in favor of yoga to keep my ITB happy. On Friday, I treated myself to a Thai Massage which was heavenly and really helped to relieve some of the pressure/tightness I’ve been feeling in my hips and lower back.
Saturday night we went to a fun event to raise money for a new school playground and I walked away a silent auction winner for a pair of Vibrams! Cannot wait to get them – more on that to come.
And finally on Sunday, I got to run outside again for the first time in 3 weeks!! Without our weekly snow storm I figured the roads would be clear enough to venture out. And despite having to dance around black ice and being a bit tired (did I mention we went out Saturday night…did I mention there was a lot of wine involved?) I was psyched to say goodbye to my new BFF and get my 7 miles outside!!
On the decks for this week:Today: Yoga. I was tweeting with Sage Roundtree and she forwarded a couple of her podcasts to try. I also just got Rodney Yee’s Yoga for Beginners DVD.
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: My weekly TRX/Pilates class
Thursday: Tempo run or speedwork — with less than 2 weeks to go until the Hyannis 10k I’ve been trying to figure out which workout is more beneficial.
Friday: It’s suppose to warm up around here (read 40’s) so I’ll probably run again with some yoga as well.
Saturday: my weekly Pilates Reformer group
Sunday: my first attempt at 8 miles!
How was your week? What have you got planned this week?
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Wasn’t this weekend’s weather awesome?!!! Yay for running outside! I’m glad you had a great week….almost time for the 10k!
That sounds like a great week! Looking forward to hearing what you think of the Vibrams!
Sounds like a wonderful week! I got to run outside for the first time in forever last Saturday and it was amazing!
It looks like you have a great week planned! I hope the weather stays nice! Is it spring yet???
First how did the 8 miles go?
When you started Yoga did you like it? Or did it grow on you. Not a big fan and really trying to like it.
First how did the 8 miles go?
When you started Yoga did you like it? Or did it grow on you. Not a big fan and really trying to like it.
I love Rodney Yee! I feel like spring is definitely coming, or maybe I’m just being overly optomistic!
@Kittee I don’t take on the 8 until Sunday – so hoping the weather cooperates!! I’ve really only tried yoga a handful of times but wanted to try it because I’m SO tight! 🙂
Hi …
My name is Jessica DeLine and I’m working with the MY RUN marketing team.
I would like to introduce you to the award-winning and critically
acclaimed inspirational documentary “MY RUN”, narrated by Academy Award
winner Billy Bob Thornton.
I would like to share with you the story of “MY RUN”, along with
information about its upcoming ONE NIGHT only Premiere Event coming to
Movie Theaters Nationwide on March 31, 2011. I believe that you and your
subscribers will find MY RUN inspirational, uplifting and exciting,
because it embodies and exemplifies the power and resilience of the human
We have teamed up with Lance Armstrong’s Cancer Foundation LIVESTRONG, and Life Time Fitness in the release of MY RUN, where a portion
of the film’s profits will be donated to LIVESTRONG to FIGHT CANCER. It’s
all about being somebody’s hero. “Your film is so important to raising
awareness of so many issues including the power of the human spirit. Mr.
Hitchcock’s vision and story is one I will never forget,” said Doug Ulman
President/CEO of LIVESTRONG.
The MY RUN Story – After tragically losing his wife to breast cancer and
struggling to raise three young children on his own, real life super hero
and modern day Forrest Gump, Terry Hitchcock seized on an idea. He wanted
to accomplish the impossible: run 75 consecutive marathons in 75
consecutive days to bring attention to the incredibly difficult lives of
single-parent families. He ran in spite of freezing rain and unbearable
heat, in spite of chest pains and bone fractures that wracked his
57-year-old body. He just kept running – each day, every day –
strengthening an unbreakable bond between father and son— not stopping
until he broke the finish line tape in Atlanta. MY RUN is more than a film
about a guy running multiple marathons; it’s a film about the daily
marathons we all run in life, a theme that’s extremely relevant and
important in this day and time.
Facebook Fan Page:
Tickets go on sale February 18, 2011 at
To learn or request additional information about MY RUN and Terry’s story
or set up an interview or a time to talk, please contact me directly. I
look forward to talking with you soon and sharing more information with
Thanks for your consideration.
Jessica-PR/Marketing consultant