A Couple More Firsts

One of the beauties of being a new runner is that there are lots of firsts to celebrate! This morning I added a couple more firsts to my collection —  I ran 8 miles and in 15 degrees!

Obviously I’m more excited about hitting 8 miles than I am about the new low temp…especially after such glorious weather just two days ago. But with a race on the Cape only a week away, I have to be prepared for whatever New England weather might decide to show up that day. Well given the high winds I ran into for at least half the run, I think I have definitely reached the point where I’m unfazed by the weather – a definite victory!

The run itself was more like two runs – the first 4 and a half miles were smooth and easy. Then I felt a sharp pain on the outside of my left knee. I have no idea what happened, but after that it was part run, part hobble with the occasional stop and stretch. Not always pretty, but 8 done nonetheless – a first!

Hopefully ice and rest is all that’s needed – I’m scheduled to run again until Tuesday…so fingers crossed!



  1. Wow. I can’t stand running in wind. You know what’s worse than running in the wind, though? Running in the wind with a jogging stroller. It’s like running with a sail attached to your back!

    Hope your knee is okay!

  2. Ice those knees! 🙂
    And congrats on another first!

    It was way too warm here – 60s and that’s before the sun was up. ARGH

  3. Well done! 8 miles isn’t easy! x

  4. Hey Michelle~ 8 miles…woohoo and in 15 degrees..I attest to how chilly it is here. You’re a tougher woman than me 🙂 You’ll do great next week!

  5. Great job. Training outside does prepare you for races. I always hope for good weather at races and have been lucky but you never know.

  6. Congrats! How exciting! Take care of yourself … and your knee!

    Winks & Smiles,

  7. your
    thank you
    in the

    Awesome. job.

  8. Congrats on the run! But please take care of yourself!

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