I’m trying to not let cabin fever set in here! We got more snow yesterday so instead of running I cross-trained by shoveling and playing in the snow with my dog – always a good workout!
It was back to the treadmill today – I had thought about running outside but most of my routes are still being dug out and I just wasn’t up for playing Frogger with the morning commuters 🙂 I’m just trying to look at this time on the ‘mill as an opportunity to work on maintaining a consistent pace….but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. I’m crossing my fingers I can get outside for Sunday’s run. My hubs and I were laughing the other day about the fact that it’s turning into one of the snowiest winters on record and we’ve got a race on the decks at the end of February! Truthfully I’m really glad I’ve got this race coming up otherwise it would be just a little too easy to hibernate and wait for spring.
Speaking of races, I’ve just added another race to my 2011 schedule. Jeff at Detroit Runner is sponsoring the “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k on March 5th. He’s got a good group of participants so far and is trying to get at least one runner from all 50 states. Stop by to check it out!
Also, I have been meaning to say a big thanks to Jake at Broken Hearted Runner for including me in his list of top Running Blogs. He’s got a great mix of blogs on the list and I’m honored to have been included. I really enjoy reading about others’ ups and downs, challenges and successes and I can always find something to draw inspiration from!
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Have a great weekend. I live in the 51st state! 😉
(P.S. please join our 2-minute Burpee contest: here)
Saw your yoga question on twitter – been years since I tried a Rodney, but I am loving Sage. She really makes yoga into something to help your training – very practical, and very understanding of limitations athletes may have; one athlete in the DVD is less flexible, one more (I think they’re the ones in the book) and Sage takes the middle. I find her style warm and welcoming – like whatever I can do that day is okay. (she’s teaching at Kripalu soon, is that near you?) But she can also cover the traditional aspects of yoga, more so in the book I think. The book (which has a couple of 5 min routines on a DVD in the back) explains the principles behind when to do what and delves further into yoga – very helpful photos. Her DVD is great because it has preset routines for the 3 periods in your training cycle, preset routines for problem areas, AND you can build your own routine, which is cool. To try Sage for free, download her video podcasts (itunes or link on her site I think) – they’re 7-15 min and easy to add after a cooldown. That’s how I got started. Best wishes!
MJ – thanks for the great feedback on my yoga dilemma! Sage just sent me a link to a bunch of her podcasts so I’m going to give those a shot first. Heard a lot of good things about her book so I may need to check that out too.