- So much for that quick trot through the holiday season I was trying to maintain. The days on the calendar feel like they’re evaporating and when we crossed the 10 days-to-go mark yesterday, I lost my cool and broke out into full sprint mode. If I could translate this into my speedwork, a PR could be in my future!
- I haven’t run since Sunday, when somewhere around mile 2 my ITB started whining and by the time I reached just over 6 it was in a full scream! So I figured it best to take a couple of days off. I got through my Pilates class last night and had no pain despite all the side leg work we did, so I’m going to try a run tomorrow.
- Hey I’m up to 46 followers – when did that happen! I continue to be amazed and inspired by how supportive the running community is – whether by blog comment, tweet or email I have appreciated all of the encouragement! Thanks for being a part of my journey!
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I agree. The running community is very supportive. It’s nice to have blogs to talk to people about running – my relatives are sick of hearing about it 🙂
Oooh tell that ITB to behave!
I hope that IT band will straighten up and learn to let you do your thing before too long.
Take care and enjoy this week!
hope that ITB is better now!
Going through ITB issues for a second time, I’d recommend taking more time off (or just cutting way back) for a couple of weeks.