On Monday it was time to see what a week of babying my knee had done for me. I got out early and went for 4 miles and felt good when finished. Quickly followed up with Yamuna Body Rolling and ice. Life got in the way and it was clear Wednesday’s run wasn’t going to happen. Continued the Yamuna and ice. It took till mid-day on Friday, but I did get 5 more in. Hmm… the knee still feels ok, a little sore by the evening but not painful. Quick more Yamuna and more ice! Yesterday I went to my weekly Pilates Reformer class and then headed to see my massage therapist — a treat and so worth it!
I knew I would have a crazy day ahead of me today and that the only way to get a run in was to go early. So after a Sybil-like debate with myself, I dragged myself out of my warm bed and into the cold morning. It was the first time I’d started a run while the street lights were still on! The sun finally decided to join me at the half way mark. I finished just over 6 and all’s well with the left leg! Yes I’ll be back to the Yamuna and ice tonight – why mess with a formula that seems to be helping?!
On tap for this week is more of the same with hopefully a little more Pilates thrown in. Depending on how things go, I’ll decide on whether I’m going to run the local 5k on Sunday.
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Happy Running, Michelle!
I think icing and rolling are the key!
I iced my right knee pretty well last night after my run and it felt so much better. I am trying to find someone who’s willing to give me a massage tomorrow. I’m not a massage-kinda girl, but man! I sure wished I had scheduled for one before my half yesterday.
have a good week ahead!
Hope things continue to feel good for you!