- The running gods continue to be kind to me after Friday’s arse kicking! Today’s run was smooth, effortless…an easy 5K. Thank you Universe I’ll have another!
- I’ve surprised myself that despite the beautiful fall temperatures we’ve been experiencing in my neck of the woods, I now actually prefer to run at 6:30 in the morning – when did THAT happen?!?
- There are now 32 of you signed on to follow my little journey into madness…er…I mean running 🙂 Again, when did THAT happen?! I have to say your comments and encouragement are SO very much appreciated!
- Running with Attitude is now a member of Healthy Living Blogs. HLB is a new resource for the health blogging community created by Lindsey of Sound Eats. The site is designed to enhance the positive community of the healthy living blog world. I’m really happy to be a part of this community and encourage you to check out some of the great health-related blogs they support here!
- There are some CRAZY good giveaways going on in the blogosphere right now — especially if you’re a fan of Brooks Running. Check out “Great Giveaways” in my sidebar!
Happy Running!
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I’m so glad your 5k was effortless! Welcome to morning running madness!
I admire your strength and dedication. I can’t run for 1 minute without wanting to pass out!!
That’s great you’re a morning running person now! Get’s you going for your day!