The other day I came across a daily tip from Peaceful Daily that really struck a chord with me — to focus on what is right with you. How often do you stop and ask yourself that question – “What is right with me?” While I’m enjoying this journey I’m on to become the runner and healthy person I want to be, I do think I often focus on the the aspects of what’s not working. I obsess about my “angry” left leg or that my pace is too slow…and in the process I lose sight of all that is working, all that is right with me.
So yesterday when I went out for my run I tried to keep my focus on what was right with me. I focused on how easy my breathing was, on how powerful my legs felt, on just how far I’ve come as a runner since the Spring. When my left knee started to tighten up in mile 4, instead of agonizing over it, I shifted my focus back to what was right with me. I celebrated the fact that this was my second 6 mile run…not bad for the sprinter from high school who would never consider running more than 200 meters at a time! And when I was done I marveled at how good I felt…and iced the one part that didn’t feel so hot 🙂
Another week of training is in the books and new challenges lie ahead – and as I gear up to meet each one, I will remember to ask myself “What is right with me?” and focus on what works!
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hi Michelle, I like the idea of asking myself “what is right with me?” Most of the times I just focus on what’s wrong, but trying to remember what is right might make for a better run.
thank you!!
You are so right!!! There are so many positive things to focus on–a little perspective shift is a wonderful thing.
I love this post, Michelle!!! It was great for a Monday morning when I feel like I have too much on my “plate” and not enough time to do it all!
Great post Michelle. I’ve been doing a similar thing and saying thank you for this amazing body, easy breathing, strong legs…whatever feels good at the moment and it’s amazing how it carries you through the tough patch when something else may be nagging you.
great job focusing on the positive!!!
I LOVE this idea…concentrainng and focussing on what is right with us instead of being critical. What a great reminder.