Dear Angry Left Leg –
I thought you and I had reached an understanding a while ago. I thought you had finally taken your toys and gone home. But, after running pain free for 3 weeks, I see that you’re back and clearly your mood hasn’t improved! In fact, you’re crankier than usual and you’ve brought along your friend “Nagging Hip” just for kicks!
What – you heard that I signed up for another race, a longer distance, and thought your return would put an end to all of that?! Well in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m far more stubborn than you are! I have a goal and a plan to get there and I don’t intend to stop to listen to your whining. I’ll give you rest days, ice and Yamuna Body Rolling …but, in return, I suggest you get with the program ’cause I’m not stopping!
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sounds like you’re on the right track to conquer that beast!
I’ve written a similar letter to my right leg recently. Unfortunately, legs don’t listen very well. Hope the rest, ice, and rolling gets you past the discomfort.
Fight on! I’m sure you will outlast the knee and that Nagging Hip. 🙂