July already?!?! I know everybody seems to be saying that but it really does feel like the first half of this year flew by in a blink…especially the month of June.
When I laced up for my run yesterday I realized it was my first run in two months without a target – I’ve been focused on getting ready for my first 5K and completing the C25K program. Now the race has come and gone and as I headed out I thought….ok, now what?
So the mid-point of the year seems like a good time to set some goals to carry me through to the frosty days of December.
- Run two more 5k races, improving my time with each race. The beauty of being a newbie runner is each race is a PR!
- Run a 10k race
- Increase my monthly mileage each month. I added 10 miles in June over May so with goals 1 & 2 this one shouldn’t be a stretch.
- Embrace hill repeats into my training. I loathe hills so this one will be a real challenge!
- Continue to improve my eating habits and find the food/drink that works best for me both pre- and post-run.
- Continue the weight training routines I started with the trainer. The trainer sessions are done but I feel like I was making progress, especially with my “angry” left leg and I do not want to regress.
- Identify races for 2011….including….dare I say it….a half marathon!
That ought to keep me busy and challenged! 🙂
Would love to hear what others goals are for the rest of 2010! Happy running everyone!
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