Maybe it was the shock of the early hour (first time before 6!) or maybe it was the humidity but my brain was in overdrive this morning…..
- how can it STILL be this HOT!?! And why am I out here?!?
- ok you’re out here so you can either whine about it or try to enjoy it
- it’s cool to watch the sky brighten as the sun rises higher
- actually feeling pretty good….kickin’ Mother Nature’s fanny!
- love listening to the Black Eye Peas
- what am I packing the boys for lunch today? Really need to hit the grocery store
- hmmm what should I make for dinner….
- now why did I have to run by the bank….sometimes it’s better NOT know how hot it is
- wonder whose idea it was to have banks display the time and temp….what does that have to do with money? just sayin’…..
- this last half mile seems to be going on forever
- ok am I actually singing along with Kanye West out loud…oh the neighbors will love that!
- hello Mother Nature…I take back the fanny comment – maybe we could call it a draw
Have a great weekend!
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We are sole sisters for sure! Have a great weekend!