Monday Re-set

This is what my schedule felt like last week! It seemed like a raced through my days ticking off items from the never-ending To Do list - I swear it felt like the "busy elves" were adding items as fast as I was eliminating them. But I was managing to … [Continue reading]

Year in Running – 2013

Amanda aka Miss Zippy recently did her annual post looking back on her year in running and invited us to link up and do the same. So here are my answers to her questions: Best race experience? Without a doubt running with my son for his … [Continue reading]

Choosing Goal Races

I've been pouring over race options lately trying to figure out a plan for 2014. Thanks to GI issues and a tumble that left me seriously hobbled, I came up short in my goal races and there were no PRs this year. While I don't have all my goals … [Continue reading]

#OneSmallChange Week 9

  Believe it or not we're going into week 9 of the One Small Change Challenge! Thanks to the challenge thrown down by Marcia from Marcia's Healthy Slice, I've been trying to make small changes that will hopefully turn into some good … [Continue reading]

Preparing for Cold Weather Running

It was 19 degrees when I headed out for Saturday's run - 9 with the wind chill factor! Yeah winter running is officially here, so it’s a good time to assess your cold weather running gear. Essentially, running outdoors in cold temps can best be … [Continue reading]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yes I know I'm jumping the gun by a few hours... but the kids are now home, the oven is already fired up and I'm ready to unplug. Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving! … [Continue reading]

Slow and steady progress

Sitting here a little bleary-eyed thanks to staying up to the wee hours of this morning to watch my beloved Patriots pull off an amazing comeback against the with my second mug of coffee in hand, a little randomness to start this … [Continue reading]

Small Change Update – Planning for Strength

Well it's week 7 of the #OneSmallChange challenge! I'm happy to say that my week 6 change to regain control of my day and ever-growing to do list went very well.  My planner is my new BFF and I'm feeling less stressed. So what's the change for … [Continue reading]

Fun stuff going on

Happy Friday! Whew another whirlwind week is coming to a close and I am so looking forward to this weekend! But before calling this week a wrap I wanted to share some fun things going on: On Monday, November 18, the "Run Faster, Further and … [Continue reading]

#OneSmallChange – Week 6 update

Hard to believe it's week 6 of the One Small Change Challenge! For those of you who don't know, Marcia over Marcia's Healthy Slice put out the call to finish the year by building some good habits. The key is to make one small change a week - adding a … [Continue reading]