RtR Training Week 3

Well as I predicted, this was a week of managing colliding schedules and I knew I was going to have to be flexible in figuring out how to fit my workouts in. It was a bit of a mixed bag, but my plan is to log a weekly training recap to help keep … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap: Catching Up

Happy Sunday! I feel like it's been a while since I joined in on the Weekly Wrap link-up! Thanks as always to Holly & Tricia for hosting the link-up. So let's get caught up, shall we? This time last week I was just kicking off 4 whirlwind … [Continue reading]

March StrideBox Reveal

If you follow me on Instagram, then you've seen some of the fun things I've received from the great folks at StrideBox over the past couple of months. Well, this month I thought I share an up close look at the recent box I received. (You can also … [Continue reading]

Getting back to running

I'm thrilled to say that I've got 3 days of running in this week! Monday:  Another chiro appointment where I runfessed that I cheated and ran last Saturday. He laughed and wasn't surprised...yeah we're going to get along just fine :) After our … [Continue reading]

March Coffee Date

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like we're moving at a breakneck pace through these first couple of month of 2017?! Well, I'm always happy to take a little time out to catch up over coffee, so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the … [Continue reading]

Monthly Rewind – February edition

Well, we've sprinted through another month, but before we look ahead, let's put a wrap on this month. Good things for the month: Loving working with my new chiropractor. After two weeks of following "no run" orders, I got in 3 pain-free … [Continue reading]

February Runfessions

February is flying by and it's already the last Friday of the month, which means it's time to come clean with some Runfessions! Be sure to check out what our host Marcia and others are confessing! I'm trying my best to follow the chiro's … [Continue reading]

Hitting the Training Reset Button

It's time to hit the reset button... My little slip during a run last month did more than just tweak things. And, while I've been able to eek out some runs, it's been inconsistent at best...and with some significant pain at worst. No bueno. … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap – Embracing the mill

Happy Sunday! As I type this, the wind is picking up and the snow is falling. The second significant snow storm in just 4 days. School's already been cancelled for tomorrow, and I'm trying to re-configure my work day. But before I get to … [Continue reading]

Run Utah – A Giveaway!

I'm telling you that there's nothing worse than receiving an invitation to a great destination race and not be able to take advantage of it! Such is the case with the Utah Valley Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K. Utah is just beautiful, isn't … [Continue reading]