It’s time for April coffee

As we ease into a new month, this is the perfect time to settle in and catch up over coffee. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat. If we were having coffee, … [Continue reading]

March Wrap-Up

Happy Monday! I was going to say "Happy Spring" but as I type this I'm watching snow fall again. Seriously?!? Hard to believe that I ran yesterday in a long sleeve top and skirt and at times felt too warm. After dealing with 3 nor'easters during … [Continue reading]

Some March Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional and I've got some runfessing to do, so let's get to it, shall we? If you've been around here for a while … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap – Looking for Spring

After dealing with a 3rd nor'easter in a little over 2 weeks, to say I'm ready for spring would be a huge understatement! Storm aside, it was a fairly uneventful week. J and the boys were away enjoying some skiing for spring break, leaving me … [Continue reading]

Keeping my eye on the prize

If you read last week's wrap up then you know I was contemplating taking a DNS on the Black Cat 10 miler thanks to a very cranky piriformis. The truth is I knew even as I was typing that post that the chances of my actually running Black Cat were … [Continue reading]

Weekly Wrap – Looking for a Silver Lining

Happy Sunday! It has been one whirlwind of a week and I am so happy to be on the backside of it. Before I put it firmly in my rearview mirror, let's recap shall we? Monday - Rest day, as usual. Completed plank streak day 57 and 100 Bird-Dogs … [Continue reading]

Coffee and a Nor’easter

The winds are still gusting here following yesterday's Nor'easter, and if my neighborhood is any example than I can only imagine that there are tree branches and other debris all over the roads. Happily, our power's back on so I can fire up the … [Continue reading]

Looking forward to March

February is quickly coming to a close and it's been a long short month if you know what I mean! I realized the other day that I never set any monthly goals for February...and in hindsight, it's just as well that I didn't. While plans were derailed, I … [Continue reading]

Runfessions for February

It's the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional so let's get to it! I runfess that being stubborn and trying to power through being sick was not my best … [Continue reading]

Black Cat Week 7 – Trying to be patient

So I should be wrapping up week 7 of training for the Black Cat 10-miler, but the reality is very little training has been going on. I went down with the flu two weeks ago, and while I thought I was over the worse of it last weekend, I'm learning … [Continue reading]